Quote:EGM Quote Bogus - Flux [22:50:PST]

In the latest odd turn of events, it seems that the whole EGM quote was not actually from the magazine, as an EGM editor has said in a forum post on their forums. Sorry for the false info, but we've posted dozens of quotes from magazines based on reader info over the years, and this is the first totally bogus one ever, as far as I can remember. And anyway, it motivated that interesting post by G. Fraizer, so it wasn't all for naught. Thanks to durz for excavating this info from the EGM forums.


Quote:Geoff Fraizer of Blizzard has replied to the EGM news item we posted that said v1.10 was potentially doomed

he starts

Quote:heres some info from www.diabloii.net ...

"The new issue of EGM has a short item about D2, and it's not a real positive one:

and what it's reffering to

Quote:The new issue of EGM has a short item about D2, and it's not a real positive one:

As for the highly awaited 1.10 patch for Diablo 2, its shows just how hard it is to replace those key people with delays after delays. Many believe 1.10 will never make it past its beta and be forgotten for their up and coming World of Warcraft project. Visit their forums on Battle.net and you see the anger from the Diablo community as they eagerly await for this two year long patch in the making.

I still find it hilarious that they take these reports from emailers and post them without verifying them. I'm sure that's the second time they've done that in the 18 months I've been reading there and got stung.
But what's even more crazy is that GF replied to it without checking the quote... You would have thought that a company like blizz might get a magazine like EGM... obviously not.

I do hope Diabloii.net have passed on their sincere apologies for the bad press caused to EGM. But as for the EGM - Blizz relationship after that...
It's also nice to see that GF get's his Diablo2 info from diabloii.net rather than his own company.

I bet some maniacle little person is sat there, really proud of themselves now, what a merry mess.

What I like is that GFrazier's statement and CGM's little snippet are amlost EXACTLY the same. :D

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