Questions about 1.1 Auras
I was wondering how 1.1 runewords "always on" auras stack with existing ones. I have a lvl 66 Defiant Avenger and was looking at the new "Exile" runeword, when it occured to me that the "Level 13-16 Defiance Aura When Equipped (varies)" line might overwrite my more powerful slvl 22 aura. Would the "when equipped" constantly renew itself over mine, or would I just have to switch mine off and then on to overwrite it's aura? Exile looks like a great runeword but I can't use it if I have a potental 9 slvl penalty.
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Different auras do stack. If it's the same aura, however, I think it'll alternate between your aura and the item's aura, like when two Paladins have the same aura active. I haven't tested this specifically, though.
Quote:RE: Question for Isolde...
The paladin can have multiple auras going while wearing an item that grants an aura while equipped. The higher level aura takes precedence with regards to stat boosts, but both auras would be "on" for applied effects. If there were an item that grants holy fire, for example (not saying there is one), and you had holy fire enabled as your skill aura, you'd get the additional fire damage to your attack of the higher level aura, but both auras would "pulse" doing fire damage to enemies in a radius.

That's the theory anyway

Here is an answer Isolde posted in May on auras. Hope it helps.
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jahcs,Sep 18 2003, 04:58 PM Wrote:
Quote:RE: Question for Isolde...
The paladin can have multiple auras going while wearing an item that grants an aura while equipped. The higher level aura takes precedence with regards to stat boosts, but both auras would be "on" for applied effects. If there were an item that grants holy fire, for example (not saying there is one), and you had holy fire enabled as your skill aura, you'd get the additional fire damage to your attack of the higher level aura, but both auras would "pulse" doing fire damage to enemies in a radius.

That's the theory anyway 
Hmm, the thorny problem I have with this "theory" (an odd thing to call an implementation detail/intention given who Isolde *is*) is that a group of Palys each running thorns, each wearing bramble, each with a2 merc running thorns, also each wearing bramble sounds awfully like either the theory doesn't "work" or the reflected damage is off the scale.

I've heard that Iron Maiden and Thorns and Spirit of Barbs all "stack" in the beta, so I wouldn't be totally surprised if it turned out to be the latter case.

A more likely answer would be that Thorns and Spirit of Barbs damage reflection are separate "stats", and you'll only get the highest boost for each stat, and no stacking from the above scenario.
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