Arkaine's Valour
a.Needless Post
b.How come nobody told me a mage could wear Arkaine's Valour with absolutely base str
c.How come nobody told me mages look mad sexy wearing said armour?
d.Are there any other armours that change your character's appearance like AV does (specifically lightweight mage stuffs)?
er... am I correct that in d you're asking "What other items change the appearence of your character from the one you start with?"?

well, if I am, then the answer is:
all mail armours (ring mail - splint mail) changes it once (the mage to the cool black thing, the warrior looks like he is using chain mail and the rogue looks also like she has chain mail)
all plate armour (breast plate - full plate mail) change it again (the mage becomes bright red, the warrior looks like a walking sheet metal factory and the rogue becomes fully plated up with a sort of brown looking armour)

Arkaine's valor is based on an arkaine's valor :blink: which is in turn based on a ring mail... hence the black mage

other armours that will change your mage and are lightweight;

Naj's Light Plate based on a plate mail (the sparkly red graphic), has no str requirements, +5 magic, +20 mana, +20% resist all, +1 all spell levels

now there's a mage item if ever there was one, although (I take it you're playing single player ) your chances of finding one will be very minimal

with regards:
B ) I wish someone had told me that, I wasted points into str on my mage...


edit: I WANT A B ) NOT A B) stupid software
Or, to put it in a handy list on what does what...

Light Armours (Normal Character Appearance*)

No Armour
Quilted Armor
Leather Armor
Hard Leather Armor
Studded Leather Armor

Medium Armours (Second Character Appearance**)

Ring Mail
Chain Mail
Scale Mail
Splint Mail

Heavy Armours (Third Charcter Appearance***)

Breast Plate
Plate Mail
Field Plate
Gothic Plate
Full Plate Mail

Appearances: (As best as I can describe them)
* Warrior - Leather jerkin, metal arm brace. Rogue - Leather, uh, well, Leather Armour. Sorceror - Red Cloak
** Warrior - The rather ridiculous blue and grey armour with tin-pot helmet. Rogue - A grey metal version of her light armour look. Sorceror - The rather cool black cloak look.
*** Warrior - Full metal armour. Rogue - Full black metal armour, winged helmet. Sorceror - Shiny red leather cloak. Black stylised metal breast plate.
When in mortal danger,
When beset by doubt,
Run in little circles,
Wave your arms and shout.

BattleTag: Schrau#2386

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