Repairing indestructible items.
I took my Jade Bow of Swiftness to 255 durability. Making it indestructible. However Griswold demands that I pay him to repair it. 0_o

I recall a screenshot that's somewhat interesting that showed this exact same bug.

I thought it would be interesting to keep using the bow and see what happens to it. However I've run into a problem now.

The repair cost racked up to 3200, then 4600. At this point the little yellow icon has appeared in the lower right corner warning me that the weapon is about to break!

I'm thinking that the game has somehow not registered the correct durability and is still using the bow's previous 245 durability. As I take it down it nears 0 and breaks when it gets to 0. I'm afraid of using it more (taking it to 1) in fear that it will break. As obviously a Jade/Swifty bow is not something you easily come by (+28% to resists) and I don't want to risk it.

I would repair it but then I would no longer have a "unique" Jade/Swift bow. Can anyone make an educated guess as to what would happen if I continued using the bow?

First, have you tried starting a new game? I don't remember offhand about durability, but some quantities are kept with more bits in the game than when they are stored. So the game might not realize that this bow is indestructible until it has gone through save cycle.

Second, what happens when Griz repairs the bow? Or have you even tried that? Perhaps getting it repaired so that it is 255/255 might make the indestructibility take hold.

Just thoughts off the half shell, basically what I'd try in your position.


How big was the aquarium in Noah's ark?

I think this is the screenshot you're thinking of.

You could always back up your character with the bow, then intentionally bring its durability down and see what happens if it "thinks" it's at 0 durability.
Quote:Esau sends in this screenshot of an item raised to 255/255 durability (indestructible) by Hidden Shrines. Griswold, upset over losing steady income from repairs, still tries to convince Esau's warrior that the plate needs repair. Esau's explaination of the screenshot is as follows: "The plate was damaged before I hit the Hidden Shrine that made it 'indestructible'. Interestingly, further fighting did not 'wear' the 'indestructible' plate any further, so Griswold continued to offer to 'repair' an 'indestructible' plate for that same amount each time I visited him. Eventually I paid it and that was that; no more repair messages."

According to Essau, you aren't in any danger of losing your bow. :)
A plague of exploding high-fives.

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