Radeon or GeForce
Wonderful news! Thanks to Blizzard I did not have to buy a card! I presented a dear friend with an Annihilus and he gave me a Ti4200 in return. True, the GeForce was a remanufactured one, but the Annihilus was not perfect either.

If I had purchased a card, I still think it would have been an ATI. Thanks to everyone for the help and suggestions -- I can see the screen again!
"I may be old, but I'm not dead."
So what?s the verdict? For an average schmo who wants good graphics (even on a game with 3D graphics such as WarCraft3), what is the ideal video card, price and value. I am getting a new computer, do you think the graphic card will be suitable?
Ran off to the Amazon Basin
Depends what computer you buy. I just read a review of the iBuy (which I never heard of before) Power Gamer Extreme that comes with the Radeon 9800XL.

As far as video cards, though, if I still needed one, I'd get the Radeon 9600XL. Lots of other good suggestions in this thread. One recommendation I would make is to try to buy the computer with the video card you want. Don't pay for a card twice.

You should be able to find reviews on the web of cards benchmarked using WarCraft.
"I may be old, but I'm not dead."
Quote: I am getting a new computer, do you think the graphic card will be suitable?

Yes? No? Maybe? What is it?

Warcraft III, needs less than some of the newer games coming out. Like Halo, Tron 2.0, or Half-Life 2. If you are content to run older games, then most Nvidia or ATI 4x AGP cards would be fine. If you want to run some of the high FPS games, then you will want to get a machine with an AGP pro slot and get a higher end graphics card. If gaming is your primary use for your computer, then spending $300 for a good high end card is not unreasonable.

You can get a pretty good bang for your buck with an ATI RADEON 9600 XT 128MB AGP which can be found for as low as $185.
”There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." - Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio.

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