Dungeon Siege: Legends of Aranna
Hail Lurkers,

The expansion set for Dungeon Siege just went gold yesterday, and is slated to be in stores by November 12th. Though this may be a dangerous time to ask anyone here if they are going to try the game, especially since 1.10 is *cough* allegedly around the corner.

I recently was at a LAN, and a bunch of us decided to give Dungeon Siege a try. I remember stopping half-way through single player because it was just too much of a dungeon crawl for a SP game. Multiplayer play was a different story-- it was neverending fun till the end of the game. Legends of Aranna sounds like it will be exactly the same type of game, so I won't be playing SP. That is why I wanted to ask Lurkers if they are planning to play the game; I can set-up a server just for the Lounge if it is wanted.

Please let me know if you are interested. B)
You know, I ended up hating Dungeon Siege more than I've hated any other game. It had a great -- and system friendly -- 3D graphics engine (apart from some weird zooming in when you were next to a wall), and zero game play content. As for multiplayer, I can't say anything about it because my router/firewall seemed to be totally incompatible with the game, a unique distinction that DS shares with no other multiplayer game I've ever played. I still wake up in the middle of the night with feelings of nausea when I think of DS, and I'm never going back.

p.s. Sorry this isn't really a response to your post, but did I mention that I hate DS with a passion. ;)
Hail Thecla,

Yea, that's how I think most people feel about the game, especially if they only played single player. Pretty much the reason why I would be offering a 24/7 server, because the game is a lot of fun in multiplayer. Though it seems I should save the server for another game :P

By the way, I do have the fix to your hardware router firewall with DS or other games. It's a bit complicated, but I've explained it so many times I think anyone can do it now with help =) If you ever have problems with other games, hosting wise, just give me a yell.

*edit* Might save the server for that Call of Duty game; the game looks absolutely amazing. I suggest anyone who hasn't tried the demo, to do so.

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