Hi i'm new here
Well here is the revised version i just typed up any suggestions are comments are once again welcomed.

The-Insane-Juju-Man (revised variant) draft2
By: MD_Insane-Juju

The Insane Juju man is not really insane but called so because of his overwhelming self destructive tendencies, immaturity, and a strange obsession with Shiny Things. *Ooh Shiny* The concept is "Insane Suicides" Running around in a million of your own firewalls screaming AAAAAAAAAHH I'm on FIRE!!! And teleporting into Diablo's room, Laz's chamber and such without manashield active. Or teleporting into a chamber of firewalls. The-Insane-Juju-Man arrived in Tristram after escaping from a mental institution.

*His signature suicide death is luring Diablo into a maze after making walk a path of gold through the switches before finally dying to him in the center of the maze. *

He is immature with powerful magic and a suicidal tendency. He has a low morality and a twisted sense of humor and fun. His ideas of glory and pride are warped. He doesn't have much patience and will lash out at nearly anything and everything. These make a very dangerous combination in something that's already excessively powerful.
He has but one (suicidal tendencies is actually a strength) his excessive obsession with Shiny Things.
-BE WARNED- This can also become your worst nightmare.

1. You cannot acquire dots EXCEPT for the Golden Armor Quest. Your goal is death.
2. You may not put points into anything until reaching the required level or finishing the required Quest.
3. Manashield bug abuse (That is a big nono)
4. You may not use Naj's Light Plate till you complete the quest for the golden armor.
5. May never where plate mail unless it is a unique.

No Creepy, Eerie, Abandoned, Quiet, Sacred, Ornate, Fascinating, Goat Shrines, or Cauldrons maybe used. You have an unnatural fear of them same with your unnatural fondness of “Ooh Shiny”.

Interactions with Townsfolk:
You may not purchase items (this does include buying potions, recharging staves, and repairing items but, not free healing, identification, or selling items) till you prove that you are not as insane as they think you are. You may still obtain free healing from Pepin as he feels sorry for you. Cain and Farnham both already have mental issues and will thus communicate with you on some degree.
You may still sell items to Griswald and Adria, they'll simply try to rip you off seeing as your insane but then give you the normal amount after seeing how you’re not stupid too. (Hey no one wants to mess with a crazy person.)

Item Restrictions:
Hated items-
No shields. (You can’t block your suppose to die) No weapons aside from a staff and a sword/dagger/axe (To you the Juju man, magic is your friend and so are staves imbued with such powers, a bladed weapon can really help you kill yourself, why just jam it through your heart.)

No animal affixes they add life or decrease it either way it helps you live. (If you have more life then it makes it harder to kill you its obvious, a decrease in life promotes the manashield bug abuse a big nono.)

Glorious, Awesome, Kings, Knights, Soldiers, are self boasting you are self destructive, self boasting may lead to a preservation in your own life big nono.

Saintly, Holy, Godly, Heavens, Angel, and Arch-Angel pertain to a deity or some ruling form of supreme power, if you believed in such then how could you possibly commit so many suicides and remain in this realm? Its just doesn't add up.

Of Skys, Zodiac, Stars again these pertain to things above and beyond that which would lead one into believing in some sort of religion again big nono.

Also no -light or + light for some reason -light helps you live o.O (How the did that happen?) and +light is a sign of something heavenly. There maybe more but you'll know it when you see it its common sense.

Extra Explanation to the mention of anti glory in items- He does have glory and pride its just... twisted.
Note: Dragons and Drakes are not animals they are EXTINCT/MYTHICAL animals :P
Note: Warrior's are some of the dumbest creatures and will associate with rocks in times of great utter uselessness and is not self-boasting.
Note: Meteoric is a form of nature and nature is considered insane due to its randomness.

Preferred items-
Swiftness, Speed, and Haste. You are to some degree still insane and will lash out without thinking at times.
Emerald, Ruby, Sapphire, Diamond, Topaz, Jade, Obsidian, Colors, and other valuable substances. You enjoy pretty colors like the one you were shown in your old house (The Insane Asylum); "Ooh Shiny" really gets you going.
Strange items hey he himself is strange ok.
Your favorite item is the Thinking Cap because it is the ultimate sign of your sanity.

Note: All other affixes that don’t contradict with these are allowed. Unique items are considered shiny things and all will be allowed.

Books & Elixirs:
He enjoys Juice time and the coloring books he was given at the institu... er his home (The Insane Asylum) and he will take the without regard. Scrolls are considered scraps from books and all maybe used.
Note: Nova and Apocalypse are something’s he cannot understand there for he tosses them away.

Leveling and rulings:
He may put points into what ever he wishes because nothing holds him back but "Ooh Shiny" so nothing holds him back. The complications in his own mind make it very difficult for him to read and understand books. He may only read a book if it is on the page 3x his char level not counting the spells on page one.
~clvl 1 slvl max 2 Only staff can be used.
~clvl 8 slvl max 4 Only staff can be used.
~clvl 9 Helms may now be use to show that you have a brain in there.
~clvl 14 slvl max 8 Only staff and helm can be used.
~clvl 18 slvl max 10 Only staff and helm can be used.
~clvl 25 slvl max 11
~clvl 27 slvl max 12
~clvl 29 slvl max 13
~clvl 31 slvl max 14
~clvl 40 slvl max 15
Exceptions- Firewall, Charged Bolt, Chainlighting, and Golem. Firewall can help him commit suicide, Charged Bolt can also commit suicide yet it also fallows the same role of Chainlightning's absolute insanity spell, the Golem reminds him of the pretty, pretty hot and se. er the Nurse that served on him at the insti... his house (The Insane Asylum) I mean... er yeah house is right...

Advancing in difficulty:
Normal to Nightmare-
-Create a trail (with gold) from Diablo’s chamber to the maze, and lure him through it. (Must pass near both switches in the double switch room.) Then let him kill you in the center of the maze.
Nightmare to Normal-
-Again, create a trail (with gold) from Diablo’s chamber to the maze, and lure him through it. (Must not only pass both switches in the double switch room but, also the single switch in the very first room your suppose to clear.) Then let him kill you in the center of the maze.
Hell to Golden Char-
-See Golden Armor Quest

Hated monsters:
The Butcher was the Top Chef there and he never cooked your favorite meal you dispise him. Leoric was the Head Janitor and he always tried to steal your coloring books he must also die. Magistrate, Cabalist, types represent the guys that tried to keep him locked up in the institu… her house and he especially hates Lazarus because he is the head of them. Sir Gorash helped put you in there so you seek revenge on him too. Diablo is the owner of the entire complex and you hate him the more then Lazarus.


Quest- Proof of Your Sanity
The towns’ people think your insane but you know that they are wrong. You must prove that you are sane! In order to do this you must find the Detector (a magical helm unidentified (must be helm type not crown or cap)).
Then your must find the Book of Sanity and Insanity (telekinesis). After this you must bring it to town and give it to Cain. Cain will then put it on and read from the book. Since everything you brought was fake. Cain tells them your sane and they believe him.
Why did Cain lie for you? You bribed him off with an unidentified jewel you found!

Note: You may not keep the helm, book, or jewel. You may not trade for the items and must find them all. You also may not switch the items with a lesser item. These are now all Cain's items though some theft may take them you may not. Get it from the theft if you do you must return it to Cain less he remembers it was a hoax.

Reward: People now believe that you are sane and will communicate with you openly and and sell you things. Even though Cain has been in on it all the performance was so stunning even HE forgot that it was all a show... or maybe that that strange Jewelry you gave him to identify had something to do with it...

Quest- The Annual Tristram Cook Off
At any time you may challenge Top chef Butcher to a cooking contest you may not use any spells. You must first acquire a magical axe and the only ingredients you are allowed to use are: 4 small bowls (half mana pots), 2 large bowls (full mana pot), 1 spoon of moon droppings (manashield scroll), 1 bottle of itching powder (stone curse scroll), and of course the fire (2 firewall scrolls). The competition must be held with in Butcher's chamber. You may replace a scroll with a spell of your own but you can only use it the same amount of time as listed. No other ingredients may be allowed.
You may use an additional small bowl in Nightmare and then add an additional bottle of itching powder in Hell. You may rechallenge him to the cook off but if you lose 2 times in Norm your out, 3 in Nightmare your out, and 4 in Hell your out.

Rewards: Each time you complete this quest you may read 2 books of your choice regardless of slvl requirements for each difficulty you beat him in, for a total of 6 free book reads possible.

Quest- National Sweeping Contest
At any time you may challenge Head Janitor Leoric to a sweeping contest. You must first acquire a sword one or two handed preferably two. You must then clear his minions without killing him or purposely hurting him (area affect spells are not allowed) and close the surrounding area no one may leave or come into the area.
Next create a square of 8-15 gold piles going each direction not counting corner gold use 1 gold per pile. Lure Leoric to the center. You both now begin only Manashield is allowed because Leoric cheats with his life steal. Also no shields or other spells maybe cast except sweeping up dust at him (HolyBolt) but the killing blow must be from the Sword. Neither participant may leave the tiny arena.
If you leave the arena you have failed and must leave your gold piles that rest on the floor and the sword there for good. If Leoric leaves call him a cheater and kill him with whatever you want.

Reward: Each time you complete this quest you may max one spell of your choice for a total of 3 maxed spells from this. You may only challenge him once per difficulty and manapots are not allowed so max your mana before you begin. If you can defeat him all three times then you may now max all spell levels regardless.

Quest- Quest For The Golden Armor
You miss your golden armor you once wore back at your home, you had to take it off so that you could escape from them but now you long for it even more. Rumor has it that Diablo the owner of the complex is holding it hostage. You must get that armor back regardless of the cost. Create a Hell difficulty game and get to Diablo's layer. Create a path from his chamber going to each switch starting with the dual switch room switches then the single and finally going into the maze. You must then die five times to him in the center (you may use town portal) and then kill him without mercy with only the use HolyBolt and Firewall.

Rewards: A golden character and not having to avoid not getting dots because you prefer to die at the hands of Diablo. And now you can where Naj's Light Plate.

Here is a list of Favorite Pastimes:
10. Killing your despised enemies except for Diablo, Diablo you die to him.
9. Taking gold from people and scattering it around going "Ooh Shiny"
8. Taking Jewelry from people and tossing them about going "Ooh Shiny"
7. Taking Uniques from people and tossing them about going "Ooh Shiny"
6. The Signature suicide death.
5. Running around in firewalls screaming AAAAAAAH I'm on FIRE!!!
4. Littering the town with pieces of gold and running around in it going "Ooh Shiny"
3. Saying "Ooh Shiny"
2. Saying "Ooh Shiny"
1. Saying "Ooh Shiny"


There is no body only the mind...

I use the best scanner ever! It's called Jarulf's Guide and Common sense! How cool is that?

Classic Warrior Saying:
"Nothing is immune to cold hard steel."

--( '.'Wink--`·. .·´--('.' )--
There is but one commandment.
Thou shalt kill.

Messages In This Thread
Hi i'm new here - by The-Insane-Juju-Man - 04-17-2004, 04:31 AM
Hi i'm new here - by Nazgul - 04-17-2004, 03:45 PM
Hi i'm new here - by The-Insane-Juju-Man - 04-17-2004, 06:27 PM
Hi i'm new here - by Nystul - 04-17-2004, 07:13 PM
Hi i'm new here - by Obi2Kenobi - 04-17-2004, 07:13 PM
Hi i'm new here - by Nystul - 04-17-2004, 07:34 PM
Hi i'm new here - by Obi2Kenobi - 04-17-2004, 07:40 PM
Hi i'm new here - by The-Insane-Juju-Man - 04-17-2004, 07:42 PM
Hi i'm new here - by The-Insane-Juju-Man - 04-17-2004, 08:59 PM
Hi i'm new here - by Nazgul - 04-17-2004, 11:16 PM
Hi i'm new here - by The-Insane-Juju-Man - 04-18-2004, 04:10 AM
Hi i'm new here - by LemmingofGlory - 04-18-2004, 06:10 AM
Hi i'm new here - by The-Insane-Juju-Man - 04-18-2004, 09:16 PM
Hi i'm new here - by The-Insane-Juju-Man - 04-19-2004, 02:27 AM
Hi i'm new here - by The-Insane-Juju-Man - 04-20-2004, 01:59 AM

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