The Story of Luddite, a HC/No AH/No Twink Run
(11-08-2012, 08:31 PM)Archon_Wing Wrote: Mp10 would be really hard on hardcore. Enemies like the Skeleton King hit really hard and you have no way of healing besides potions. In non-hardcore normal, Rakanoth one shot my DH. :S

Maybe I should get some 5 LOH weapon. :p

I absolutely think you should do this at MP10. It's very doable. You'll be up a few levels (in stats, abilities, and with the blacksmith, in gear) on the monsters. By the time an MP10 untwinked HC char gets to Leoric, the Templar should be well past L10 and using his HoT on you. A couple of those +(2-4) damage rings from the fence and you'll be having a blast.

Anyhow, I've done this with a Wizard and a Monk (admittedly twinking some triangular gems in Act II) and it's awesome. Things can get a bit ugly in Act IV - be careful there!

Getting all the way through Nightmare on HC-no-AH-MP10 would be hard. I wussed out to MP5.

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RE: The Story of Luddite, a HC/No AH/No Twink Run - by Wessonality - 11-09-2012, 12:48 AM

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