Let us compile a list of D3 annoyances.
The music is not memorable except for the end act IV theme(which is great I think!). I think I remember reading a dev or community manager say the music was meant to be more like mood music and to not take your attention away from the sound effects of slicing baddies across the screen. I do appreciate this perspective a little but I wish they would have added some better tracks in too. Also there's a short slice of music that plays on repeat constantly in the cathedral levels in act I. It returns in some of the dungeons in act II too which drives me crazy. I guess the testers played the game with the music off, and I will too now!

The inventory icon in the lower right hand corner of the screen blinks incessantly! EVERY TIME you pick up an item without looking at it in your inventory the blinking starts.

I can only put items with maximum durability on the AH but there is no way to repair an item unless I go into the game. Small complaint but it gets annoying to move an item from your stash, go repair, go put it back in stash then log out to the AH and put it up. How hard would it be to add a button to repair an item in the AH interface?

You can't search for +damage on rings in the AH.

The item text color for gems, blacksmithing/jem pages are white which makes them easy to overlook with lots of non magical items on the ground.

I wish the info telling you what new abilities/runes you have gained from leveling would show up in the chat log. Sometimes I gain 4 abilities or level in a big fight and forget what I just gained.

I dislike how little rage my barbarian gets from his rage generators. I feel like I'm using cleave/bash/frenzy 70% of the time which isn't exactly exciting. There's so many interesting new abilities in D3 but I'm stuck cleaving all the time to build rage!

RE: removing the follower banter: Would it be possible to pass the bnet patcher with a modified sound.mpq file with the banters removed? I'm sick of them too, although I do like the banter that warns me of a champion/rare pack coming.

RE: alt tabbing. Have you tried the option to have alt only highlight items for 10 seconds? I switched to that option at the start of the game and have been very happy with it.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Let us compile a list of D3 annoyances. - by Ell_man - 05-19-2012, 04:34 AM

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