Answer these questions plz
1.Are Staves blunt weapons?

No. Staves do the normal amount of damage to all creatures. The game doesn't treat them (or bows/axes) as blunt or sharp. They really ought to be blunt, but it's not the case.

2.How can I beat Diablo at l.20-Normal,l.25-Nightmare,l.30-Hell?What are the requirements?

There are a lot of possibilities here, but it really depends on the character.

3.While I looked down your forum's history of threads,I have noted a name-Charred_Scar.Just in case-he,together with a player called MOKA,killed my level 6 Sorceror(themselves being level 20-23).In connection with this,is there a wide-known list of player-killers and how can I post there?

There is no such list. Such lists proved futile because there are tons of PKs, they can create new characters at any time, and (since 1.05) they can change character names any time they want.

4.I heard that there are so-called "guilds" or "clans"(e.g."Doom Masters").How can I join them?

Well, you can either find a guild member and talk to them about it, or you can look for guild web pages and try to join one that way. Unfortunately, most guilds are poorly organized and completely worthless. A select few are really good. Personally I don't know of any really nice guilds that are still actively involved with Diablo though.

5.I heard that some peoplecreae characters-"shoppers".Who are they?

A given item can only be bought in town with a certain range of character levels. There are a lot of nice items that can be bought only by characters of moderately low level (particularly at Wirt). A "shopper" is a character who stays at the level needed to buy a certain item, is given enough gold to buy anything good that might be available, and visits Wirt/Gris repeatedly hoping to get the desired items.

Normally someone wouldn't create a character specifically for this purpose, but they might keep a character stuck at that level for a lot longer than they otherwise would for this reason.

6.A completely noob question-what does "to-hit"give? I have searched every guide I could-please explain simply.

The higher your "to-hit" is, the more likely you are to hit the monsters :) This is oversimplified, but the general idea is to take the "to-hit" percentage, subtract the Armor Class of the enemy, and the result is the percentage chance of a successful attack. For example, if you had 100% to-hit and attacked another player with 60 AC, you should hit about 40% of the time. There are other factors involved, but this gives you the general idea.

7.In some of the D1-related fanfics I read there are some names that do not appear in the game-like the name of the Wirt's mother,Kanace,the daughter of Cain,Nova,and so on.I could say that the authors invented them-but they appear too often.Perhaps there is some biography of NPC's (issued by Blizzard)?

If there is, I'm not familiar with it. If the fanfics in which these names appeared were on the same site, it is possible that they were created by an author there. Even if there are multiple authors who have used those names in works hosted at that site, it would be likely that those authors read each others works and played off one another. Roleplayers in particular like to include each other's characters in their stories in an attempt to tie the entire set of works into a single world in which the game takes place. Diablo has inspired a *lot* of fan fiction, so if you like it, keep searching for more!

8.Which level does it have the most sense to make Gris and Wirt runs on?

That depends on what items you want to get. If you really want an answer to this question, try to work through the appropriate sections of Jarulf's Guide, and ask here for help on specific points in it that cause difficulties for you.

9.What weapon and AC must my rogue have to enter Nightmare/Hell and Hell/Hell?

Some players here can clear hell/hell as a rogue with NO weapon and virtually NO AC. Stonecurse is that powerful. However, if you could get 200 AC and 48+ min. damage for nightmare, and 250 AC with 64+ min. damage for hell, things would be much, much easier. Resistances, mana, and other things are just as important as these factors though.

10.What does it mean that the creature is resistant/immune to something? Does it mean that it can't be harmed by such magic or some harm is inflicted,though?

If a monster is immune to an element, such spells literally won't even hit them. If you shoot a firebolt at a fire immune monster, it will miss every time. If a monster is resistant to an element, it is the same as a player having 75% resistance. So instead of taking 400 damage from a certain fire spell, a fire resistant monster would take 100.

11.I have a scroll of Infravision.If I cast it while having on the screen my skill(Trap Disarm),shall Infravision be the same level as my level? And if I have A Healing spell on level 12,how can I cast Infravision level 12?

This pushes the border of asking how to cheat. You shouldn't try to manipulate the game interface to make a spell more powerful than it's meant to be. Just cast infra when you want to use it, and ignore the rest of this process you are asking about.

12.Is Phasing random,or can I somehow manipulate it?

The distance you phase is always the same, so it's not completely random. But, there is generally no way to control the direction you will phase.

13.If I stun Diablo with my bow on Normal,shall it be the same on Nightmare and Hell?

Probably not. Compared to normal, you need 15 more damage to stun him on nightmare, and 30 more on hell.

14.Can I bind my own sayings on F9-F12 in classic D1 multiplayer?

Yes. There is an .ini file in the diablo directory that contains these lines, and this can be edited with a basic program like Notepad.

Messages In This Thread
Answer these questions plz - by Puma - 06-05-2003, 07:25 AM
Answer these questions plz - by Jane - 06-05-2003, 09:04 AM
Answer these questions plz - by Feryar - 06-05-2003, 09:32 AM
Answer these questions plz - by Nystul - 06-05-2003, 09:43 AM
Answer these questions plz - by Rhydderch Hael - 06-05-2003, 04:53 PM
Answer these questions plz - by Yogi_Baar - 06-05-2003, 04:55 PM
Answer these questions plz - by LemmingofGlory - 06-05-2003, 11:27 PM
Answer these questions plz - by Occhidiangela - 06-06-2003, 05:18 PM
Answer these questions plz - by Sabra - 06-07-2003, 04:50 AM
Answer these questions plz - by Puma - 06-07-2003, 02:14 PM
Answer these questions plz - by LemmingofGlory - 06-07-2003, 04:56 PM
Answer these questions plz - by Fragbait - 06-10-2003, 08:50 AM
Answer these questions plz - by Yogi_Baar - 06-10-2003, 01:12 PM
Answer these questions plz - by Nystul - 06-10-2003, 03:09 PM

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