Dual Spec Feature to cost 1k gold currently
I dunno, I never found the quest very difficult, and I'm glad there's a bit of a learning curve to it, considering it's worth the most rep.

Your Grip drops faster and faster on its own the longer you take to get to the second phase, to the point where it basically means you WILL fall off. Jabbing drops your grip a little, stabbing drops it a lot, and dodging drops it a little. If you fell off because you were just dodging, it means you didn't keep your grip high enough, and probably took too long. The second phase is extremely easy, though a little luck-based. Did you like... not read the tooltips on the abilities, or what? :unsure:

The parachute cloak is a great thing to have in case you get dropped, though the way the terrain works, sometimes you'll die anyway - you'll touch the top of one of those long spires, your parachute will end, and you'll slide all the way down the spire to your death. But the parachute at least gives you the chance of surviving the fall.
ArrayPaladins were not meant to sit in the back of the raid staring at health bars all day, spamming heals and listening to eight different classes whine about buffs.[/quote]
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Dual Spec Feature to cost 1k gold currently - by Artega - 02-25-2009, 09:49 PM

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