Twin items that aren't game-generated dupes...
Earlier today, I was playing a game on hell with my mage, and I have the habbit of gathering all the blue items I find in town and identify them only when I'm thrue with the levels I wanted to clear. I'm very methodic with my order of identifiying items, doing it by type and base item quality.

Anyways, that lead me to remark two items of the same base type had the exact same prefix, and stats too. I droped them both on the ground expecting to see the usual dupe alert, but none of that.

Later, with my warrior, I did the same thing in a hell game. This time I got two Cobalt Hammer of Titans and two Meteoric Composite Bows. Both pairs had exact same stats and durability. And this has happened to me on previous occasions too.

My question is the following: does this have to do with something odd in the item generation routine or did I simply get lucky? I can understand two prefixed items with same stats, but two prefixed and suffixed is what caught my attention.

Thanks in advance! :D

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Twin items that aren't game-generated dupes... - by Daemon - 12-17-2003, 03:05 AM

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