New Alliance Race Speculation thickens!
MongoJerry,Apr 18 2006, 09:21 AM Wrote:
Quote:And as for existing content, surely you don't suggest that running BWL as level 70's will not be easy enough as it is? After all, I doubt you plan on staying at level 60 once the expansion comes out?
You lost me here.

He probably means that the current endgame will be horribly broken by the introduction of level 70 characters anyways. Even NXM will be easy mode. The new content can be balanced around having shamans and paladins in mind.

Not that I think it's going to happen, but the balance of current dungeons doesn't stop it from happening.

Messages In This Thread
New Alliance Race Speculation thickens! - by oldmandennis - 04-18-2006, 07:08 PM
New Alliance Race Speculation thickens! - by lfd - 04-18-2006, 11:59 PM

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