Let us compile a list of D3 annoyances.
Playing a Witch Doctor, I started loading up on +radius pickup gear to help heal my dudes with health globes. It's incredibly awesome and I suggest you try it.

My beef is that sometimes (lots of times), I purposefully remain stationary to kill stuff close to me. Sometimes I remain stationary not of my own volition (wallers, jailers), but stuff still dies (poisons, minions). These dead things have a chance to leave a health globe, but EVEN IF I AM STANDING ON THE DAMNED HEALTH GLOBE IT WILL NOT HEAL ME AND MY DUDES UNLESS I MOVE 1 sub-micronium-nanometer.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Let us compile a list of D3 annoyances. - by DeeBye - 05-29-2012, 03:44 AM

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