So I'm looking at the monstats from the mpq, and..
I am utterly confused. The hps listed for hell difficulty are lower than those for NM and Norm. A great deal lower, in fact. Is there some sort of internal hp multiplier or hidden universal resist built into the engine for hell? (I see nothing in the resists or in difficultylevels.txt, other than the leech nerf and a new cleverly hidden CE ultra-nerf).

One overwhelmingly crappy discovery of mine, though, was that almost every monster in the game has some degree of blocking now. Slow swingers are pretty screwed in Hell.
Great truths are worth repeating:

"It is better to live in the corner of a roof
Than in a house shared with a contentious woman." -Proverbs 21:9

"It is better to live in the corner of a roof
Than in a house shared with a contentious woman." -Proverbs 25:24

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So I'm looking at the monstats from the mpq, and.. - by GenericKen - 07-12-2003, 06:10 AM

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