poison damage calculation question
I've read the Tao of Poison and tried out the damage calculator page too.

However, I've noted some discrepancies in the actual game compared with the Poison Damage Calculator.

Recently (single-player v1.09), I noticed the vendor selling a pestilent warscythe of venom.
"Pestilent" by itself is supposed to give 275 poison damage over 6 seconds.
"of Venom" by itself gives 21 poison damage over 4 seconds.

In the Tao of Poison, I noted that for a prefix/suffix of poison on the same item (eg. weapon or charm), the poison rate is added and so is the poison length.

Thus, 275.39 / 6 = 45.90 / sec
And, 21.09 / 4 = 5.27 / sec

The length added = 6 + 4 = 10 seconds.
The rate added = 45.90 + 5.27 = 51.17 poison dmg/sec

Therefore, the pestilent/venom weapon should be doing 511 or 512 poison damage over 10 seconds. This same result is calculated by the Poison Damage Calculator.

However, the actual pestilent warscythe of venom that I saw being sold by the vendor (I have a screenshot, unfortunately haven't gotten space to upload it yet) is 499 poison damage over 10 seconds.

=> now I'm wondering why it's 499 poison damage over 10 seconds and not 512 poison damage over 10 seconds.

Another thing would be the sample pestilent/pestilence weapon screenshot shown in the Tao of Poison page. If you use the damage calculator, it'll say 616 poison dmg over 11 seconds, but the one shown on that screen shot is only 509 poison over 10 seconds. Now, I think I've read that there's a 255 frames cap (10.2 seconds), so maybe that's the reason for the discrepancy.

But in my case above, 10 seconds (pestilent=6 + venom=4) doesn't seem to hit the 255 frames cap which affects the displayed screen calculation, maybe can someone explain how to arrive at 499 poison damage over 10 seconds?

Messages In This Thread
poison damage calculation question - by dta - 10-28-2003, 02:02 PM
poison damage calculation question - by adeyke - 10-28-2003, 02:42 PM
poison damage calculation question - by dta - 10-28-2003, 02:54 PM

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