01-26-2006, 02:34 PM
gekko,Jan 26 2006, 09:15 AM Wrote:Apple computers uses neither copyright protection nor online assurances that copies of iLife and iWork (their two primary software bundles) are not being installed on multiple computers. And yet iWork has recently passed Corel into the #2 spot for retail sales of word processors in the US.When I worked in the packaged software market our company philosophy was that a simple copy protection scheme was adequate, since dedicated crackers would eventually figure it out. What we tried to prevent was the average user from easily making a copy. We also had a policy of shipping the software with a backup, and a free disk replacement policy if the software wore out or the disk was damaged.
People are going to steal music, they are going to steal programs, they are going to steal money. I personally would be inclined to buy far more music and programs than I do (I get by just fine without any CD put out by SONY) if the company did not treat me like a thief for purchasing their product.
Do you leave your money on your front door step, do you put it in your sock drawer, or do you put it in a bank vault?