A TV Show Topic
[wcip]Angel,Jan 26 2006, 03:34 AM Wrote:"Firefly is not the best series ever made, but it's the best series ever made that was cancelled mid-season."

Well, for me personally, that title goes to a series called "Dark Skies" (or maybe that was cancelled at the end of a season(?))

I agree on the Buffy front. Unfortunately, over here Buffy did not play on one channel, and continuously. It played on 3 different channels over its lifetime, and some of those channels had little national coverage at the time. Buffy started on (iirc) TV2 for a few seasons at a resonably prime time (8-9pm ish). It then went to TV3 where they started again from the beginning, but, being a lot behind the U.S. it played at about 11pm at night, and was a few seasons behind. After about the middle of the second or third (?)season (the 'Adam' season) they had a one day buffy marathon where they played all of the (for us) 'new' episodes for the rest of that, and the following season. It then shifted to channel 4 where they started playing from season three(?) or so, once again late at night.
I plan on getting Angel on DVD second hand eventually. I think the entire series played here all on TV3. A couple seasons on primetime, and the rest at 11:30 pm ~~~
Firefly also played here at about the same timeslot :-( , but I don't plan on viewing something that will leave me disappointed.

At the moment, my only "must see" program is 24 (the season where a nuclear reactor melts down, but the main threat only seems that they are going to shot down the president in airforce one... strange priorities :P )

We have only had one season of Lost here, and that didn't make it to must see for me (resonable, but I wouldn't turn down a game of tennis for it :P ) I have doubts about how long it can last. It has the smell to me of the X-Files (where the first two seasons were innovative, but then it went downhill), but there is much less room to maneuvre within the Lost plot (flashbacks, current island stuff).

Messages In This Thread
A TV Show Topic - by Premezilla - 01-25-2006, 10:41 AM
A TV Show Topic - by [wcip]Angel - 01-25-2006, 02:34 PM
A TV Show Topic - by pakman - 01-25-2006, 03:23 PM
A TV Show Topic - by Jeunemaitre - 01-25-2006, 03:36 PM
A TV Show Topic - by Guest - 01-25-2006, 08:29 PM
A TV Show Topic - by GenericKen - 01-25-2006, 08:40 PM
A TV Show Topic - by Urza-DSF - 01-25-2006, 09:53 PM
A TV Show Topic - by Guest - 01-25-2006, 10:39 PM
A TV Show Topic - by Occhidiangela - 01-25-2006, 10:48 PM
A TV Show Topic - by Artega - 01-26-2006, 01:43 AM
A TV Show Topic - by cheezz - 01-26-2006, 01:49 AM
A TV Show Topic - by whyBish - 01-26-2006, 06:04 AM
A TV Show Topic - by LochnarITB - 01-26-2006, 07:29 AM
A TV Show Topic - by Premezilla - 01-26-2006, 07:34 AM
A TV Show Topic - by Quark - 01-26-2006, 12:28 PM
A TV Show Topic - by Quark - 01-26-2006, 12:29 PM
A TV Show Topic - by ima_nerd - 01-27-2006, 12:44 AM
A TV Show Topic - by Ammonium - 01-27-2006, 01:34 AM
A TV Show Topic - by [wcip]Angel - 01-27-2006, 01:57 AM
A TV Show Topic - by ima_nerd - 01-27-2006, 04:25 AM
A TV Show Topic - by Premezilla - 01-27-2006, 06:31 AM
A TV Show Topic - by Hammerskjold - 01-27-2006, 07:06 AM
A TV Show Topic - by Occhidiangela - 01-27-2006, 02:35 PM
A TV Show Topic - by Doc - 01-27-2006, 03:23 PM
A TV Show Topic - by Artega - 01-28-2006, 06:37 AM

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