Sustained Hunter DPS vs. a single target
Shriek,Jan 22 2006, 09:51 PM Wrote:This is how I felt when Aimed was a longer cast and reset the autoshot timer.  Now, it takes a flat three seconds (which is only about .5-1 second longer than standard rate-of-fire), and an autoshot will fire immediately after the Aimed goes off--no delay.  It seems that even if it didn't add ANY damage, you'd still be coming out ahead. 

Note:  My experience here is casual observation.  I haven't analyzed my logs and I haven't done explicit tests with stopwatches and such.  I want to, but there's always something else I need to do  :P

And yes, Multi rocks.  I've used it whenever possible since I learned it, with most hunters I talked to thinking it was a silly skill.  Just gotta watch those sheep....
I think I'm going to have to work Aimed back into my repertoire, since I'm one of those who effectively discarded it for PvE work when its windup was more prohibitive. But seeing the numbers and the "10s cycle", I think I need to do some testing with it.

It's a little surprising that the melee weapons relying too much on weapon speed was fixed, but the ranged ones haven't yet. Wouldn't be surprised to see some "normalization" for us in the future.

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Sustained Hunter DPS vs. a single target - by martini - 01-23-2006, 03:46 AM

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