01-16-2006, 10:19 PM
Zarathustra,Jan 14 2006, 08:36 PM Wrote:He was the guild leader, master looter for a Blackwing Lair trip, on their first Nefarian kill ever. He looted everything off the corpse, de-guilded, and used his hearth stone.
That blows me away. I can understand (but not approve of) ninja-looting some rare drop in a pickup group, but this?
How can the gain you get from a couple of purples ever compete with the fact that you are now hated by an entire BWL-capable raiding guild, and will likely never be able to join another raiding guild on the server? You would be infamous, you would get hate tells all day long, and half the server wouldn't even run a 5-man with you. That just boggles the mind.