01-14-2006, 04:20 AM
Concillian,Jan 13 2006, 08:10 PM Wrote:Because if someone, somehow ninja'd loot from Azuregos, that's a pretty major offense.It could've also been a rare drop. Some of those bosses have some nice purples that don't drop all that often. It also sounded like it was the first kill for that group, which means that was a bit more of a "this is great" feeling behind it only to lose the loot after the effort.
If you ninja a 20% drop from a 5 man encounter, it's bad, but not horrible, you can run it again a few times in the next couple days and pick it up again.
But when you have 5 or 10 people of the same raid all wanting an item from a 40-person raid boss that is on a server-wide multi-day spawn timer, the term 'major' definitely applies. You don't just get one chance at Azuregos per x amount of days. You get one chance per x amount of days... if your timing is right so no other guilds get to the boss you're after before you get there.
Raelynn - Gnome Warlock - Herbalism/Alchemy
Markuun - Tauren Shaman - Skinning/Leatherworking
Aredead - Undead Mage - Tailoring/Enchanting
Gutzmek - Orc Shaman - Skinning/Leatherworking
Raelynn - Gnome Warlock - Herbalism/Alchemy
Markuun - Tauren Shaman - Skinning/Leatherworking
Aredead - Undead Mage - Tailoring/Enchanting
Gutzmek - Orc Shaman - Skinning/Leatherworking