PvP at 20-29 -- an organized group? (Terenas)
I forgot to mention in my previous post what I would consider to be the most important enchantment for Warsong Gulch: minor speed increase on your boots. Speed of movement is critical and this enchantment will give you an edge over the competition.

Rogue Talents
You will be building a rogue specifically for playing in Warsong Gulch. The requirements here are different from those in PVE and any other type of PVP. The primary strengths of the rogue will be his ability to operate unseen and his ability to incapacitate an opponent; his ability to sprint is also of important significance. There are many occasions in Warsong Gulch where it is more important to be able to stun or incapacitate an opponent rather than kill him. Your talent selections should therefore maximize these abilities. I recommend that you invest points in the following talents; any other points you have available you can place in whatever talents intrigue you. Note that I am not restricting myself here to talents which are available prior to level 30. I am intentionally doing this so that if you choose to follow my model you can plan ahead.

Subtlety Tree
Master of Deception rank 5/5
Camouflage rank 5/5
Improved Sap rank 3/3
Preparation - rank 1/1
Improved Cheap Shot - rank 2/2

Also please consider:

Combat Tree
Improved Gouge - rank 3/3
Gouge is incredibly and uniquely useful in Warsong Gulch. As you run toward an opponent you gouge him and run past him effectively taking him out of action.
Improved Sinister Strike - rank 2/2
This talent does not meet the criteria I outlined in the beginning, however it is indispensable for a rogue. Your first two points should go here.

Also please consider:
Improved Sprint

Lightning Reflexes
The warriors will chew you up.

Assassination Tree
This tree definitely does not improve your stealth or stun capabilities with the exception of Improved Kidney Shot. Improved Kidney Shot is in tier 5 requiring substantial investment in Assassination talents, so I thought I would give an opinion about which of these to pick should you choose to go for Improved Kidney Shot.

edit: Removed Opportunity.
edit: Correction made on number of points to place in improved Cheap Shot.
[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQtmlWbJ-1vgb3aJmW4DJ7...NntmKgW8Cp]

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PvP at 20-29 -- an organized group? (Terenas) - by Alram - 01-13-2006, 05:39 PM

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