How does a Barbarian handle physical immunes?
OK, I've twisted my brain in most directions, searched both this forum and amazon basin, but still can't seem to find what I'm looking for :(

Basically, my WW barb just got to hell difficulty and suddenly half the unique monsters I run into are immune to physical damage. I'm not really sure how to handle that. I was looking over the skill-trees but didn't get any ideas from that. At first I thought War Cry, but it seems to be physical damage only (according to the forum at the basin) and the damage seems too low anyway.

So what to do? Do I need some unique uber polearm with lots of +elemental damage or is there another way out. I don't trade, so it would have to be something I can find/create without too much hassle.
It would be the perfect irony if I need some unique polearm only findable in hell/hell :lol:
(Yeah, it is a polearm barb. Gonna go with a Scythe kind of weapon once I find a decent one, if nothing else then because it looks so damn cool)

Any suggestions?

edit: Changed "immune to phyiscal immunes" into "immune to physical damage"

Messages In This Thread
How does a Barbarian handle physical immunes? - by Feryar - 05-12-2003, 12:55 PM

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