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How does a Barbarian handle physical immunes? - Printable Version

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How does a Barbarian handle physical immunes? - Feryar - 05-12-2003

OK, I've twisted my brain in most directions, searched both this forum and amazon basin, but still can't seem to find what I'm looking for :(

Basically, my WW barb just got to hell difficulty and suddenly half the unique monsters I run into are immune to physical damage. I'm not really sure how to handle that. I was looking over the skill-trees but didn't get any ideas from that. At first I thought War Cry, but it seems to be physical damage only (according to the forum at the basin) and the damage seems too low anyway.

So what to do? Do I need some unique uber polearm with lots of +elemental damage or is there another way out. I don't trade, so it would have to be something I can find/create without too much hassle.
It would be the perfect irony if I need some unique polearm only findable in hell/hell :lol:
(Yeah, it is a polearm barb. Gonna go with a Scythe kind of weapon once I find a decent one, if nothing else then because it looks so damn cool)

Any suggestions?

edit: Changed "immune to phyiscal immunes" into "immune to physical damage"

How does a Barbarian handle physical immunes? - Fragbait - 05-12-2003

Berserk does Magical Damage.

Although it has a big drawback, a time of over 2 seconds after the 'Berserk' when your AC is reduced to 0,

It is (beside elemental weapons and perhaps War Cry, I dunno) the only way for a barb to make magical damage.

Keep in mind though, that once maxed to lvl 20, the 0-AC-Time is "only" 1.3 seconds, and the %Enhanced Damage gained by Berserk is something around 450%.

CU, Fragbait

How does a Barbarian handle physical immunes? - Feryar - 05-12-2003

Ah, thanks. I missed that little detail. Maybe I should get my eyes checked?

It does not make much sense to me, that someone can get so angry they actually do magical damage to others, but as long as that PI unique boss goes down I don't really care.

How does a Barbarian handle physical immunes? - kier - 05-21-2003

Add 1 point to beserk, but there are areas such as the blood hills and where baals minions are that are a bit hard, as there are alot of phis imunes around.

How does a Barbarian handle physical immunes? - Ryethe - 05-24-2003

Yeah beserk works wonders. I've even found myself using a high level beserk on non-PI monsters due to its massive damage. It's also a great regular boss killer. *zerk* *zerk* *zerk* *whirl to regain mana* *zerk* *zerk* *zerk*


How does a Barbarian handle physical immunes? - Tommi - 05-25-2003

Note that Berserk converts all physical damage of your attack into magical damage. This includes the basic weapon damage, strength and dexterity bonuses, bonuses to physical damage from skills, critical strike, etc. The additional damage of Berserk is also first physical damage, which then gets converted into magical damage. Thus, you may use, for example, might mercenary or laying of hands (vs. demons) to up Berserk's magical damage.



How does a Barbarian handle physical immunes? - Albion Child - 05-27-2003

Berserking works nice with Lightsaber too. It has good physical damage for Zerk to add too as well as a lot of magical damage already on the sword.

From your post it seems you are playing a polearm barb though, but I thought I'd share this little tidbit.