Scarab wall opening thread
oldmandennis,Jan 4 2006, 01:25 PM Wrote:In Cenarion Hold there is the quest What Tomorrow Brings.  According to a comment on Allakazam, it leads to Only One May Rise.  This is the start of the elite raiding portion of the quests, I guess.  It sends you to kill the Broodlord.
Killing the Broodlord and turning in his head gets you a trinket which allows you to collect quest items off the silithid in the zone.

The lucky(?) person that loots this is starting a faction grind in the hopes of becoming the person who reforges the mallet used to seal (and now unlock) the AQ gates. Fortunately, he can get help. For every 200 silithid fragments turned in, he gets 200 faction with the bronze dragonflight and, most importantly, one Proxy of the Nozdormu which allows him to deputize another person to collect fragments. AFAIK, only the person at the top of the pyramid can turn in fragments for rep and more Proxies, but it was late and I might not have understood that correctly. :)

At any rate, you start out Hated with the Brood of Nozdormu and you have to grind 36,000 faction just to get out of Hated. Speculation is that Exalted reputation will be required to reforge the mallet and open the gates of Ahn'Qiraj, but since we're still well in the Hated range, we don't know yet.

Also unknown is how this relates to the massive materiel quests ongoing in Org and Ironforge. My suspicion is that when all the materiel is gathered, the Horde and Alliance will man the new outposts that popped up south of Cenarion Hold, and the questgivers will call for the fight against the Silithid to begin in earnest. Probably both the materiel quests and the forging of the mallet will have to be completed before the opening event takes place, but that's just a guess.

The other rumour floating around is that a Proxy of Nozdormu will be required either to raid AQ, or to gain Nozdormu faction while raiding. In that respect, it may work just like the Onyxia key/amulet where you have to have it in your bags to zone into the raid instance.

Either way, find out who is leading the charge for your server and faction, and get deputized! Gathering 200 silithid carapace fragments took us a bit under an hour with a team of three (we ran around a bit trying to figure out where the best drops where), so it's easy to do your part in opening the Gates of Ahn'Qiraj. :)


Edit: clarity >> me

Messages In This Thread
Scarab wall opening thread - by oldmandennis - 01-04-2006, 07:25 PM
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Scarab wall opening thread - by Walkiry - 01-12-2006, 08:02 PM

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