Honor Rankings - Stormrage

Listing of honor rankings for the Stormrage server! I did a check of where we Lurkers stand out of all Stormrage PvP'ers, sorting the list by guild and then finding our fine folk (sorted here by rank):

468: Lissanna
711: Cleoboltra
718: Mirajj
782: Leeah
1150: Galgamesh
1321: Cadence
1366: Skybreak
1498: Ramala
1565: Soulstealer
1819: Gnolack
1901: Minimagi
1909: Odayla

That's TWELVE Lurkers in Stormrage's top 2000 honor players. We have GOT to get a PvP group going sometime.

Quote:Considering the mods here are generally liberals who seem to have a soft spot for fascism and white supremacy (despite them saying otherwise), me being perma-banned at some point is probably not out of the question.

Messages In This Thread
Honor Rankings - Stormrage - by Bolty - 12-22-2005, 12:57 AM
Honor Rankings - Stormrage - by Quark - 12-22-2005, 02:04 AM
Honor Rankings - Stormrage - by mjdoom - 12-22-2005, 02:18 AM
Honor Rankings - Stormrage - by Pesmerga - 12-22-2005, 03:41 AM
Honor Rankings - Stormrage - by Lissa - 12-22-2005, 04:31 AM
Honor Rankings - Stormrage - by TheDragoon - 12-22-2005, 06:17 AM
Honor Rankings - Stormrage - by Arethor - 12-22-2005, 08:06 AM

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