Razorgore Thoughts
Bolty,Dec 13 2005, 07:18 AM Wrote:Last night we knocked out all the eggs, and had Razorgore down to 41% health before wiping, mostly because we didn't know what to expect from Phase 2.  Next time, we'll be ready.
Yay, progress! Congrats!
Quote:The Razorgore encounter involves lots of aggro control. Aggro on the orb controller, aggro on the kiting warriors (you guys were awesome last night), and aggro on the healers.
It sounds like you guys are well on the way, and you probably don't need to switch strats at this point, but if your kiting isn't rock-solid and keeping the mobs off your healers, you might want to consider changing the classes that do the kiting. We found that warriors kiting worked OK as long as everything went perfectly, but when things went wrong they would often go way wrong, fast.

We found that warriors were well suited to surviving the beating from the melee, but didn't have enough tools to generate a lot of hate quickly against multiple melee mobs without needing a bunch of healing. The more mobs they have to work on, the more healing they need, and the harder it gets... so when things start to come off the rails, it's a self-amplifying problem that spirals out of control quickly.

So we built our strategy around picking kiters that have the ability to aggro multiple mobs at a time, hitting for solid damage to get above heal aggro quickly, ideally from range and with a snare effect. And we found that a nimble squishy can be a pretty damn effective kiter. We've dropped warriors as kiters now, and our two designated squishies can round up all the melee into a single pack more effectively than we ever did with other strats.

NB: We're playing Horde, so we do have earthbind totems helping us out, but I don't think they're key. They're really more of a crutch at this point.

Anyhow, just thought I'd post an alternative that works for us. You guys sound like you're well on the way without it. :)

Good luck with Vael! :D


Messages In This Thread
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Razorgore Thoughts - by Mirajj - 07-11-2006, 12:06 AM

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