Well, thats interesting, thats also true, of all RPG games, I always liked mages, and elves out of all races, heh, and I generaly had a good moral, in games such as Black and White, I take extreme measures to reach my target if the situation requires extreme measures, thus, chaotic,lol, nice test...
Dragon color: White.
Mage: Time mage.
Allignment: Chaotic Evil?! Why?! I didnt answer enything in an evil way, what the... my first test i got a good elf, now im evil? lol, im wierd..
Dragon color: White.
Mage: Time mage.
Allignment: Chaotic Evil?! Why?! I didnt answer enything in an evil way, what the... my first test i got a good elf, now im evil? lol, im wierd..
"It burns because its burning!"