10-26-2005, 10:02 PM
Darkmoon Faire isn't a Wonder of WoW... yet. Still far too underpopulated.
- Teldrassil, from Rut'theran Village, and Darnassus full circle, including the Protector by the gate<>
- Stonewrought Dam<>
- Blackrock Mountain, seen from the BRS Balcony - watch the dragon flying around<>
- Un'goro - the flight from Gadgetzan to Silithus highlights the savage beauty<>
- Any of the Great Dragons - Onyxia, Azuregos, Lethon, etc.<>
- The view from Grim Batol in the Wetlands - marvelous set of waterfalls and abandoned architecture<>
- Sunken Temple - this place has atmosphere<>