What's the matter with you? You're on a PvP server and you don't plan Improved Curse of Exhaustion into your talent build?
In affliction, these are the only talents that really matter. The rest is just gravy.
Fel Concentration
Curse of Exhaustion
Dark Pact
Instant corruption prebuffs damage, enables NF, and is anti-stealth
Fel Concentration allows your channeled spells to continue (and be mana efficient)
Fully improved Curse of Exhaustion censored any melee and runners from range--How dare you not include this? It is arguably the best Affliction PvP talent available because it is the only spammable ranged snare with no diminishing returns. Even druids have trouble running from a warlock with iCoEx.
Nightfall (though buggy and unreliable) is much needed crunch damage
Dark Pact gives you endurance in a battle. More mana --> More fighting juice.
Siphon Life and Amp Curse are pre-requisited, and should not need explaining.
SM, iLT, GR, iDL, iDM are all gravy and imo that order of usefulness greatest being left with Shadow Mastery to right ending at improved Drain Mana. Reasons are self-apparant: Incremental increases to Damage, Mana, and Range. How valueable each is depends on the user.
Reason I rate iDrain mana so low? DM is dispelled or shrugged off at the casters we need to drain from. Halfwit priests dispel drains (although its possible to drain them if they can be feared), and druids shapeshift into mana-undrainable animal forms. Additionally, the damage to iDM increased by +dam equip is being nerfed. YMMV with iDM.
Suppression: Only affects Affliction spells. Gravy talent in PvP and end game PvE. Almost useless while leveling, as you'll face few mobs with any shadow resistence while leveling and fear's diminishing returns in PvP coupled with warping bug nerfbats fear, and thus suppression to near uselessness. Additionally, suppression may have NO effect on zero shadow resist enemies when negative resists are eliminated.
Edit: Suppression is currently required for Death coil to be effective consistently. YMMV
In affliction, these are the only talents that really matter. The rest is just gravy.
Fel Concentration
Curse of Exhaustion
Dark Pact
Instant corruption prebuffs damage, enables NF, and is anti-stealth
Fel Concentration allows your channeled spells to continue (and be mana efficient)
Fully improved Curse of Exhaustion censored any melee and runners from range--How dare you not include this? It is arguably the best Affliction PvP talent available because it is the only spammable ranged snare with no diminishing returns. Even druids have trouble running from a warlock with iCoEx.
Nightfall (though buggy and unreliable) is much needed crunch damage
Dark Pact gives you endurance in a battle. More mana --> More fighting juice.
Siphon Life and Amp Curse are pre-requisited, and should not need explaining.
SM, iLT, GR, iDL, iDM are all gravy and imo that order of usefulness greatest being left with Shadow Mastery to right ending at improved Drain Mana. Reasons are self-apparant: Incremental increases to Damage, Mana, and Range. How valueable each is depends on the user.
Reason I rate iDrain mana so low? DM is dispelled or shrugged off at the casters we need to drain from. Halfwit priests dispel drains (although its possible to drain them if they can be feared), and druids shapeshift into mana-undrainable animal forms. Additionally, the damage to iDM increased by +dam equip is being nerfed. YMMV with iDM.
Suppression: Only affects Affliction spells. Gravy talent in PvP and end game PvE. Almost useless while leveling, as you'll face few mobs with any shadow resistence while leveling and fear's diminishing returns in PvP coupled with warping bug nerfbats fear, and thus suppression to near uselessness. Additionally, suppression may have NO effect on zero shadow resist enemies when negative resists are eliminated.
Edit: Suppression is currently required for Death coil to be effective consistently. YMMV