09-28-2005, 07:44 PM
Rules for random PvP? I never thought of actually writing them down, but this is what I usually abide by (not in any particular order):
1. Kill Rogues on sight. +/- ANY level. Grey, Red, I don't care, they're going down. Rogues must die. "Flameshock for the win."
2. Kill Druids on sight. See #1. Those cheetahs aren't getting away from me, damn it. "Stopwatch and Frostshock for the win."
3. Ignore Paladins. Just don't bother. A good level 60 takes about 3 minutes to kill, and if he's dedicated, longer because of LoH, Shield, potions, and whatever trinkets or engineering things he might employ.
4. Any grey level allies far lower than me are to be ignored. If there's no "honor" then there's no point, UNLESS they are known grief/gankers. Then, it's medicine tasting time. I do maintain a Kill On Sight list, and I've referenced it from time to time.
5. Neutral town shmeutral town. If there are no guards, and he's within level, he's going down. If there are guards, lead in with a critical shock or chain, and wolf the hell out. Take the guards away from town so your partner can clean up.
6. Female Schemale. If he/she is in sight, that shemale is going down. I just assume a female toon is a tranny surprise unless proven otherwise.
7. Don't camp, unless they deserve it. Generally, camping and getting camped makes both the camper and the campee lose time for no reason. There are only very particular situations when a player needs to be camped. A /spit /mock'er usually just gets smoked a couple of times, then I move on.
8. Res sickness schmes-schickness. Had to res at the healer, eh? Well, you're about to go right back there.
9. Make every effort to kill a hunter that feigns death in town to get free kills with their pet. This little exploit is ridiculous, and if I see it happening, I lead in with a crit-chain and smoke that feigned bastard. I did this once in gadget, and managed to escape the bruisers, too. That one felt good. A druid grew a pair and followed me out for what he thought was an easy kill... He was mistaken. See #2.
It's always fun to combine these rules. Number 1, 5, 6 and 8 go very well together. A critical chain lightning on a res sick night elf female rogue in Gadgetzan is just a thing of beauty.
So yes, I play by a Kill On Sight mindset. What's fun is going to Maraudon and waiting by the doors for the 60 ally hunter farmers to come by. That's essentially free honor, since the poor buggers don't know how to play their class. That, and it hurts the farmers' bottom line. I just love to mess with farmers. A friend of mine was doing that yesterday, and one of the horde farmers messaged him to plead with him to stop killing the alliance farmers. Of course, he wasn't going to stop. The farmers come in shifts, so diminishing returns on the kills wasn't an issue. There were four ally hunters, all trying to farm up Mara, and my friend, a 57 Shaman, kept killing them over and over, one or all four of them at once. If these 60's were any good at all, this wouldn't have even been close, but since they were just farmers, even teamed up, they couldn't stop him.
1. Kill Rogues on sight. +/- ANY level. Grey, Red, I don't care, they're going down. Rogues must die. "Flameshock for the win."
2. Kill Druids on sight. See #1. Those cheetahs aren't getting away from me, damn it. "Stopwatch and Frostshock for the win."
3. Ignore Paladins. Just don't bother. A good level 60 takes about 3 minutes to kill, and if he's dedicated, longer because of LoH, Shield, potions, and whatever trinkets or engineering things he might employ.
4. Any grey level allies far lower than me are to be ignored. If there's no "honor" then there's no point, UNLESS they are known grief/gankers. Then, it's medicine tasting time. I do maintain a Kill On Sight list, and I've referenced it from time to time.
5. Neutral town shmeutral town. If there are no guards, and he's within level, he's going down. If there are guards, lead in with a critical shock or chain, and wolf the hell out. Take the guards away from town so your partner can clean up.
6. Female Schemale. If he/she is in sight, that shemale is going down. I just assume a female toon is a tranny surprise unless proven otherwise.
7. Don't camp, unless they deserve it. Generally, camping and getting camped makes both the camper and the campee lose time for no reason. There are only very particular situations when a player needs to be camped. A /spit /mock'er usually just gets smoked a couple of times, then I move on.
8. Res sickness schmes-schickness. Had to res at the healer, eh? Well, you're about to go right back there.
9. Make every effort to kill a hunter that feigns death in town to get free kills with their pet. This little exploit is ridiculous, and if I see it happening, I lead in with a crit-chain and smoke that feigned bastard. I did this once in gadget, and managed to escape the bruisers, too. That one felt good. A druid grew a pair and followed me out for what he thought was an easy kill... He was mistaken. See #2.
It's always fun to combine these rules. Number 1, 5, 6 and 8 go very well together. A critical chain lightning on a res sick night elf female rogue in Gadgetzan is just a thing of beauty.
So yes, I play by a Kill On Sight mindset. What's fun is going to Maraudon and waiting by the doors for the 60 ally hunter farmers to come by. That's essentially free honor, since the poor buggers don't know how to play their class. That, and it hurts the farmers' bottom line. I just love to mess with farmers. A friend of mine was doing that yesterday, and one of the horde farmers messaged him to plead with him to stop killing the alliance farmers. Of course, he wasn't going to stop. The farmers come in shifts, so diminishing returns on the kills wasn't an issue. There were four ally hunters, all trying to farm up Mara, and my friend, a 57 Shaman, kept killing them over and over, one or all four of them at once. If these 60's were any good at all, this wouldn't have even been close, but since they were just farmers, even teamed up, they couldn't stop him.
"Yay! We did it!"
"Who are you?"
"Um, uh... just ... a guy." *flee*
"Who are you?"
"Um, uh... just ... a guy." *flee*