09-23-2005, 05:46 PM
Tal,Sep 23 2005, 07:06 AM Wrote:What a challenge that player 29 levels lower than you must have presented. And that string of critcals - surely sign of a fluke in game mechanics and not the vast disparity in levels + equipment. To me I think the crowning unglory was disrobing and cannibalizing your victim. Class moves there.
while leveling i knew better. i knew that STV was gank central, I stayed away. When honor came out the TM/SS zergfest was the best way to pick up honor. I stayed away. Dustwallow Marsh? I knew there was the possibility of running into a 40 man raid on the way to onyxia. I was very careful while in there. Basically, I tried to stay on horde turf and away from alliance turf unless I was looking for a fight.
and do unto others, right? I got killed by plenty of skulls while leveling up, and I didn't mind. I am the enemy. Anything to impede my progress is fair game, because the sooner I level the sooner I will come and kill you. Alls fair in love and war.
and as far as class moves go, /laugh for unsucessful gank moves, /spit for the few people that deserve it (traitors to the horde, rogues in general) and cannibalize for comedy.
Tal,Sep 23 2005, 07:06 AM Wrote:But then again I'm a carebear. I prefer a honorable and fair fight. In group PvP in the world I seek out opponents that are within levels of me. I don't attack an opponent that is engaged with a mob and will let them med up before I attack.
For example the other day I was heading to Molten core when I saw a flagged paladin fighting a pair of spiders in the Burning Steppes. As I closed a undead rogue unstealthed and dropped the paladin to 1/3 or 1/4 health in his opening moves. I dismounted and engaged the rogue. I'm sure that the horde will see this as an example of Alliance zerging but if its not a fair fight then I will jump in to even the odds. After all the rogue had a chance to finish off the paladin while trying to evade me. About as much chance as the paladin had when the rogue jumped him at less than half health.
Or another example from yesterday. I was escorting a level 31 hunter who was flagged with my priestess who was 35 to the Vile Reef. He sees a level 37 tauren shaman fighting off 3 37 to 39 ogres and decides to pull one of the mobs off the Shaman to help him. I rolled my eyes knowing the predictable result. The shaman finished the fights, medded and drank and promptly attacked the level 31 hunter while he was still trying to kill the 37 ogre. But oh how the Shaman ran when he took the full force of my mind blast and I dotted him with SW:P. :whistling:
im assuming that you're on a pve server by the way you mentioned being flagged. we're obviously going to be made of a different cut. pvp4lyfe.
Tal,Sep 23 2005, 07:06 AM Wrote:My rules and these are the rules I lived by when I was on the pvp server in Beta (I got an undead rogue to 43 before end of beta).
+ or - 5 levels and red = dead. Unless they attack me first and its on like Donkey Kong.
Do not attack an opponent who is busy fighting another mob. Sure I spent more time face down in the dirt for extending that courtesy but you don't lead by anything but example.
If you do fight honorably do not desecrate your victim. No spitting, no sitting on their corpses, no cannibalizing. The worst I have ever done was to chain sap a prominent warlock outside of Booty Bay. But I paid for that sin when his friends showed up. I eventually had to log because they were so intent on corpse camping. ;)
Allow your opponent time to med and return to the battle. Corpse camping is unseeming unless they have done it to you.
every time i head into BRM i seem to run into a group of alliance or my group of horde runs into a single alliance. sometimes i die alone, sometimes they die alone. spirestone is a low population server so the lvl 60s see each other often and kill each other often. friendly rivalry ftw.
Tal,Sep 23 2005, 07:06 AM Wrote:Group PvP is slightly different in that there will frequently be 2 or 3 on 1 kind of odds. Do your best but do not gank opponents who are trying to re-enter battle.
We have a real problem on Stormrage that the Alliance for so long were so bad with behavior in PvP that many horde have decided to forgo PvP all together. The imbalance has gotten so bad that many of the alliance have re-rolled horde to be able to PvP. But even some of them have seen the brunt end of dishonorable play and are only doing battlegrounds. Group PvP in the wild is very rare and a lot of the reason for it being scarce lies on the shoulders of players who do not play honorably.
dishonor hardly exists, imo. i don't go looking for lowbies, but in the event that i find one flagged they are probably going to die and its probably because they tried to attack someone that they shouldn't have, or were in an area that they shouldn't have been in.
while im farming herbs in a lowbie zone and riding down the path there are three kinds of alliance i run into. those that scatter and hide. and they live because im busy. those that are foolish enough to attack. and they die. and those that are my level and farming too. and i will kill them if i can, because i want to defend my herbs.
Level 60 UD Mage - Spirestone
Level 20 Troll Rogue - Spirestone
Level 20 Troll Rogue - Spirestone