:lol: That kills me .... lets see : I've lost my house and job , the first chance I get I need to get a few beers and check out some hooters ! :lol: Yeeesh -- I'd get court marshalled if I misused a government issued credit card .
That didn't take long to come up with an easily abused system .
EDIT : Oh before I forget ... from Westover AFB we shipped about 180 thousand pounds of MRE's (and many other needed supplies) by plane , I suppose the only thing needed while chowin' down on those would be a TV :whistling:
That didn't take long to come up with an easily abused system .
EDIT : Oh before I forget ... from Westover AFB we shipped about 180 thousand pounds of MRE's (and many other needed supplies) by plane , I suppose the only thing needed while chowin' down on those would be a TV :whistling:
Stormrage :
SugarSmacks / 90 Shammy -Elemental
TaMeKaboom/ 90 Hunter - BM
TaMeOsis / 90 Paladin - Prot
TaMeAgeddon/ 85 Warlock - Demon
TaMeDazzles / 85 Mage- Frost
FrostDFlakes / 90 Rogue
TaMeOlta / 85 Druid-resto
SugarSmacks / 90 Shammy -Elemental
TaMeKaboom/ 90 Hunter - BM
TaMeOsis / 90 Paladin - Prot
TaMeAgeddon/ 85 Warlock - Demon
TaMeDazzles / 85 Mage- Frost
FrostDFlakes / 90 Rogue
TaMeOlta / 85 Druid-resto