Your Most Heart-warming, Fuzzy-filled Movie/Moment
LochnarITB,Aug 20 2005, 05:33 PM Wrote:This brought back an image that was put in my mind earlier this week.  It is the furthest you can get from a warm fuzzy so stop reading now if you don't want to handle a recounting of Nazi atrocities.

The local news was interviewing a local man that was a survivor of the concentration camps.  He is a bit confused when you ask him about his current life.  However, you can see he is remembering the events of the past as if they were yesterday.  Along with talking about the awful things that happened to himself and people around him in the camps, he talked about being rounded up to go to the camps.  They were separating the men and the women and putting them on different trains.  A man next to him was yelling and trying to get to the women.  A Nazi officer came over and told him to stop.  The man told the officer that his wife was in that group carrying their newborn baby and he didn't want to be separated from the baby.  The officer walked over to the man's wife and took the baby.  He grabbed it by the legs "like you would a chicken" and swung it to hit its head against the train car.  The officer turned back to the man and said, "There now you have no problem."  The ground should have opened and swallowed that $%&^@$ officer right there! :angry:  The worst part about it was that, even though you could see that the man being interviewed had perfect recollection of the event, you could also see that it was just another matter of fact of all that he had seen and that he was able to relate the story without emotion.


obligatory warm fuzzy movie moment: I was watching LotR: The Fellowship of the Ring last night - Frodo has gotten in the boat by himself and is crossing the river.  Sam comes running down through the trees yelling for him to wait.  Frodo continues on so Sam walks out into the water attempting to get to him even though he can't swim.  Frodo reaches down and pulls Sam back to life just as we are made to believe Sam has died.  Sam tells Frodo that he made a promise to not leave his side and that he means to keep that promise. - I think that is such a warm fuzzy because I relate so well to Sam, certainly far more than Frodo.  I live my life to be the Sam, not the Frodo.

Words can not say how I feel thinking about what you wrote. So I will say nothing.

I do not know which LoTR character I am most like to be completely honest. Seeing as I commune with nature and I am aloof and all that, I'd probably be Elvish, but my mannerisms and my physicals looks would demand Dwarfhood.

Thank you for giving me something else to think about. You are a good man.
All alone, or in twos,
The ones who really love you
Walk up and down outside the wall.
Some hand in hand
And some gathered together in bands.
The bleeding hearts and artists
Make their stand.

And when they've given you their all
Some stagger and fall, after all it's not easy
Banging your heart against some mad buggers wall.

"Isn't this where...."

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Your Most Heart-warming, Fuzzy-filled Movie/Moment - by Doc - 08-20-2005, 11:48 PM

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