Debuff limit will be changed to 16 in patch 1.7
Lissa,Aug 6 2005, 08:17 AM Wrote:226k every minute from no resists and she has around 900k to 1 Million Health depending (slightly more, slightly less).

It'd be nice to actually know your debuffs are on there. With the current interface, assuming no macros to help you, you simply don't know that's your corruption or curse debuff on the enemy. You can watch your combat log, but the graphical display simply doesn't show if that's your debuffs on the enemy. Its a nightmare just to figure out who's debuff is who's between 2-3 locks. I don't want to coordinate over 5 locks worth of debuffs. Each lock has a minimum of 4 debuffs and a maximum of over 8. Just one lock has too many debuffs on one enemy. 40 is trying to juggle a minimum of 80 debuffs on a fire immune target.

You propose a 5 minute battle? ~900k hp --> 3000 dps spread over a 40 man raid. You'd only have to avg 75 dps per player. Not that easy when you must pause for breaks, but not that hard either. Dps classes can temporarily easily do over 200 dps each solo when desired, and each maintain a minimum sustained dps.

If loot and debuffs weren't an issue, I'd love to see over 10 warlocks in an onyxia raid. All those improved shadow bolts.... drool.

Messages In This Thread
Debuff limit will be changed to 16 in patch 1.7 - by Drasca - 08-06-2005, 02:05 PM

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