08-05-2005, 05:33 PM
Minionman,Aug 5 2005, 10:52 AM Wrote:I wish flying on airplanes didn't make me so dizzy.
Granted. Rather than having a dizzying effect on you, flying makes you break out in spots. The first time you try to fly internationally, you are turned away from entering your destination because they fear the potential for your condition to become an epidemic of proportions not witnessed since the Black Death. Also, your country of origin will not grant you re-entry: now that they're rid of you, they're not even thinking of dealing with your s_ _ _ any longer. You know find yourself in a predicament similar to that of Tom Hanks: you are remanded to the terminal of the airport you arrived in, however, no one there is as welcoming as Tom found his captors to be. Instead you are kept in chains, in a room with no windows and ritualistically beaten every 14 hours. You eventually come to believe that the day is 28 hours long and you must awaken in time for your "morning" beating and remain awake until after your "bedtime" beating. I bet you wish you could just take your dizziness back now, don't ya'!
I wish that my coworkers were not condescending when informed that I will not be attending "happy hour" events due to previous plans. It's not my fault that I have other commitments...
ah bah-bah-bah-bah-bah-bah-bob
dyah ah dah-dah-dah-dah-dah-dah-dah-dth
dyah ah dah-dah-dah-dah-dah-dah-dah-dth