07-25-2005, 07:24 PM
One thing should also be noted: Frost mages can get as much +damage items as fire mages, so even though fire mages can always intrisically out dps a frost mage, the percentage difference between the two builds lessens as a mage gets better items. Add in the fact that fire resistance is more common than ice resistance, then at some point one can imagine a cross-over point where frost mages do more damage than fire mages -- plus they get all the slowing, freezing, and shielding goodies that frost mages enjoy. So, the choice between fire and ice builds might depend on your gear. If you're still wearing a lot of green items, then fire might be the way to go. But if you're starting to acquire purples, then you might consider a frost build, because your dps isn't going to be hurting anyway.