07-18-2005, 07:28 PM
I can't remember playing this game in the house, but outside on the swing set the ground was an alligator pit. If you touched the grass, you were alligator food.
My brother and I also used to play Star Wars. Since his first name is Luke, he was always Luke Skywalker and I was Han Solo. We had an elaborate course that we would follow from the back door of the house out to the wood shed (which was the Millenium Falcon.) We had to balance on planks and logs to get there, and we were blasting and chopping up imaginary storm troopers the whole way.
My brother and I also used to play Star Wars. Since his first name is Luke, he was always Luke Skywalker and I was Han Solo. We had an elaborate course that we would follow from the back door of the house out to the wood shed (which was the Millenium Falcon.) We had to balance on planks and logs to get there, and we were blasting and chopping up imaginary storm troopers the whole way.