Power gaming guild buying up the healers
Brista,Jul 6 2005, 07:41 AM Wrote:My main question though is not "why does this happen?" but "how can I win?"
I don't think you can win at this game. The only winning is not to play it.

The previous posters nailed it with the need to get your capped players on to end-game content. Alliances are a good way of doing that, merging with like-minded guilds is IMO better. And make sure somebody is asking your 40 and 50 priests daily if they need help with anything. Beyond about level 45 or 50, a lot of quests involve instances, and healers become very dependent on groups to get anything done. The people that I partied with at that stage are the people I still party with today.

You can console yourself with the fact that it won't last: this happened too on Kilrogg, a few large guilds ran out in front to run the end-game stuff, a bunch of medium-sized guilds were forced to merge, ally or disband, and a bunch of small guilds just went away.

Now, however, MC is a farming zone for the biggest guilds, the medium guilds are all running at least parts of it, and the smallish guilds have gone so far as to start organizing pickup raids or raids with allied guilds. And some of the players from the large and medium guilds are helping with those pickups, because they have all the loot they need from MC and they're frankly bored again. People are leaving the bigger guilds because they don't get into the MC runs, so they have to step down to smaller guilds where all 40 spots are not already taken.

So this too shall pass. Small consolation now, but as long as you're doing something to get your high level players into the end-game instances, you'll weather the storm.

Good luck!


Messages In This Thread
Power gaming guild buying up the healers - by lfd - 07-06-2005, 11:02 AM
Power gaming guild buying up the healers - by KiloVictor - 07-06-2005, 09:28 PM

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