06-28-2005, 03:22 PM
Mavfin,Jun 28 2005, 06:20 AM Wrote:Interesting what you said about pallies in group play.
Pallies that play in 5-mans with my main (warrior) usually end up with watch-the-healer duties, and play off-tank to my main.
Exactly my point! Not that watch the healer is not important (my shammy usually does the same thing) but if good play is important at that position, chances are something else has gone wrong. In my opinion, it helps people to learn when their mistakes quickly lead to a wipe, and everyone knows what the problem is. The heal guard doesn't get that, because there is usually something else: "We had a patrol", "Imp Sap broke", "Bad Aggro Management", "I didn't know that mob could shield bash", and way down the list is "You should have been quicker to heal the priest".