Infernal and Doomguard in Patch 1.5
Lissa,Jun 17 2005, 01:48 PM Wrote:You will very likely die a second time talking to the quest giver as no place is safe around him (an actual patrol wanders very close to him and those demons surrounding the altar are also close enough to see you at 60).

Very correct. Multiple corpse runs are likely. Its not as bad as frogger's higher levels, but still fairly challenging just to get to the quest giver, get said quest.

Hint to all new warlocks: keep your Sense demons on, and veer right upon first entering the tainted scar. It is very possible to do it deathless, but takes a lot of attention and a bit of luck. Frogger away!

At 60, its easiest to do all three dreadsteed, infernal, and doomguard quests all in one bout.
Quote:4. Final part: Imprison a Doomguard Commander. From the reports I've heard this is very buggy in the latest patch. You have to channel a spell, and almost any action the Commander takes currently breaks channelling. The only successful strategy I've heard is for a hunter to freeze trap it.

The final part of doomguard is pretty easy once you have a 5 man party.

Not really buggy when I did it. I was attacked at least 4 times and it didn't break. Might've been set back a bit, but I've 'captured' several 4 Commanders this way.

At the time though, I didn't know 'capturing' them leaves a pokeball-esque gem item object on the map floor to be picked up. I assumed it would automatically be created in my inventory like soul shards. Remember, when you capture commanders, they leave an item to be picked up where they were 'captured'.

Quote:Blizzard *really* wanted to make using a Doomguard painful for locks. After all that work you get a spell which requires a party of 5, a 90 silver reagent, and the sacrifice of a party member to use.

And it doesn't start out enslaved. Your warlock can die in the ritual. Basically, you can never use this in the field, and PvE many guilds are too afraid to use it in raid. Not that you necessarily can spare the shards even in a boss battle.

Messages In This Thread
Infernal and Doomguard in Patch 1.5 - by nobbie - 06-17-2005, 01:18 PM
Infernal and Doomguard in Patch 1.5 - by Lissa - 06-17-2005, 02:12 PM
Infernal and Doomguard in Patch 1.5 - by nobbie - 06-17-2005, 02:31 PM
Infernal and Doomguard in Patch 1.5 - by Icebird - 06-17-2005, 04:41 PM
Infernal and Doomguard in Patch 1.5 - by Lissa - 06-17-2005, 06:45 PM
Infernal and Doomguard in Patch 1.5 - by Lissa - 06-17-2005, 06:48 PM
Infernal and Doomguard in Patch 1.5 - by Icebird - 06-17-2005, 09:59 PM
Infernal and Doomguard in Patch 1.5 - by Drasca - 06-17-2005, 10:09 PM
Infernal and Doomguard in Patch 1.5 - by Icebird - 06-18-2005, 01:32 PM
Infernal and Doomguard in Patch 1.5 - by Icebird - 06-21-2005, 09:51 PM
Infernal and Doomguard in Patch 1.5 - by Drasca - 06-24-2005, 05:45 PM
Infernal and Doomguard in Patch 1.5 - by Drasca - 06-28-2005, 04:42 PM

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