Hillary,Jun 2 2005, 11:50 AM Wrote:I LOVE MY SPIRIT GEAR!Â
Do a tribute run and try and get that robe that regens 10 mana per tic.Â
Good. Spirit trumps int for battles beyond 3 minutes. You should have a spirit set in tow for long battles.
Some priests regen 100+ mana per tick at 300ish. That's even better with druid innervate.
Spirit's near useless for locks, but somewhat highish spirit is unavoidable even for me. 171 spirit on my lock I think. I appreciate the mana regenerated when I get it.
There's also mana channeling wand (60.9 dps, 4 mana/5 seconds) , lorespinner, milli's book. Last two are DM quest rewards... hmm. Possibly horde only. Mana channeling wand is off Cho'Rush the Observer in Dire Maul north (next to king, so this screws with tribute a bit). Its worth doing non tribute runs for this and various warrior equipment upgrades from the guards. One more, there's a quest reward, Crown of the penitent, that is 20 int and 6 mana per 5 seconds. Unsure of quest off-hand. Band of Rumination also drops off UBRS, but you'll be competing mages as this is 5 mana per 5 seconds and +1 crit, but no other stats.
While discussion equipment, the Burst of Knowledge trinket is also nice. Reduces cost of spells by 100 for 10 seconds and adds +12 equipped magical/healing effects. Drops in BRD off the demon boss before 7 dwarves that summons many level 30 fire elemental adds. Although, BRD isn't terribly good for equipment. Go to Dire maul, scholo, strat or BRS for your equipment needs.
For supremacy of +mana regen (direct or through spirit) Let's compare two wands. Stormrager is what? 8 int? 120 mana. In 3 minutes at 4 mana per 5 seconds, you gain 144 mana. Of course, the calculations are different with +mana pool talents, but that's up to you to modify.
I don't have spirit formula however. I need to ask my priest friend about that, but Daamien on my server just gained manastorm leggings 14 mana / 5 seconds, and that's the equivalent of 41 spirit he says. Pretty damn useful I say.
Small note to Treesh:
How bad could your gear be? Honestly. Dire maul areas can be very tough, but its mostly about tactics, experience and class composition rather than equip. I agree with Hilary, you've just had bad luck. Go with her and have fun!
Better organized raids tend to explain anything important. This usually falls under the duty of the raid leader. The more talkative the raid leader, the better. Less strictly organized.. get sloppy. My last one, strat-baron, we wiped to those necromancers with life leech that drains 350 health and mana per tick (possibly second), then explained the casters need to be interrupted with earth shock and kicks (no mages). When fighting Baroness anastari, posessed enemies needed to be debuffed to 8 slots. Raid leader forgot to say this.. but was presented mid-battle before our tank died to our own party.
Also... if you want to go exploring, might I suggest you lead a party of your friends and present them with your pace? I'm sure they're around to play with you as a party rather than just drops. So what if you don't know what to do, you're there to find out, and your friends can give pointers if necessary.
Might I also comment Hedon has provided some very solid advice in this thread. Take heed.
There is also sometimes a main assist, someone who picks targets. This setup becomes useful when battle becomes chaotic and there's no obvious main target.
To do help your main assist, you may either setup a macro by typing /macro, create new, naming and selecting icon for macro, then typing /assist name_of_MA_here and dragging the icon into your hotbars, or clicking on their name and hitting F (default key I believe).
As for instance loot, sometimes it takes sheer doggedness to get any decent loot. I've had to run Maradaun 20 times for the desired loot, and I still don't have cloudstone (lost roll 3 times). Some priests/mages have gone through UBRS 30-50+ times to get their cloth robes or devout mantle. Some have gone through that many times and still haven't gotten it.
Don't feel too bad. Equipment comes and goes, but it only gets better.