06-02-2005, 11:14 PM
LochnarITB,Jun 2 2005, 02:45 PM Wrote:Wow, until I read your response, I had always equated the two. Are they different? Have you seen a listing of the two properties, or just the approach speed, for specific beasties? I doubt I would switch my pets, but it would be a good reason to reconsider it if I really messed up. I do feel that my savannah patriarch (Felix) attacks approaches much faster than the swoop and doggie I tried.Approach speed is definitely a different value than travel speed, although the two are often set to be equal on pets. With Dash/Dive in the game, though, it's kind of a moot point. As near as I can tell, anything that doesn't have the dash/dive ability is a slower animal anyway and has an equal approach/travel speed.
I didn't replicate it myself, but I had read some tests where they compared travel speed with approach speed on some of the faster pets like King Bang. One of the pets (KingB?) could catch an elite mount when sent to attack, but if set to stay, the hunter moved away, and then set to follow, the elite mount would win the race. this was a while ago, though, and they've done quite a few changes to pet speed in the last couple patches. Between dash/dive and the travel speed boost that's coming in the next patch, I don't think there's really much concern in this area anymore.
That said, nothing makes me quite as happy as sending my pet a half-mile away and having him drag a monster back to me...
"Skippy, see that elemental over there?"