05-26-2005, 02:15 AM
Olon97,May 25 2005, 07:03 PM Wrote:The details of my current 11/29/11 build are 1 imp shield block (/w pre-req), toughness, Iron Will, 3 defiance, conc. blow (with pre-reqs), 2 imp shield wall, 4 1h mastery, then Deflection & Anger Management and cruelty & Piercing Howl.
As for situations where your tank tells you last stand saved the day, I have a little secret: by "saved the day" he usually means "saved me a repair bill". If last stand is going to serve as a functional heal, it needs to be used right at the end of combat, otherwise it's just postponing and potentially loading damage up later. The last few seconds of combat, groups can usually wrap things up even if the tank falls and resurrect the tank a few seconds later. Has happened to me maybe ~5-10 times in the last couple months. Most wipes I've been involved in were not salvagable from last stand (or really any other protection talent), but were simply a question of pulls gone horribly wrong/ bad group coordination.
My rationale for this spec is that for the most part tanking as 30 Fury, 21 arms was fine, although with enough +def gear, I stopped getting many crit hits on me while tanking and starting questioning 5 points in enrage.
It was only a select few battles where I felt I could have used some extra advantages. I'm not usually frustrated by insufficient healing or lack fo a "last stand" ability, but rather by being taken out of the fight by a stun / mind control / sheep and having to struggle to regain control once the effect is dispelled or wears off. I'm hoping Iron Will will help in some of those scenarios.
Even 2h WW+ dual wield with fast weapon HS (using the 4/5 1h mastery damage boost) focused damage is peforming similarly to SS+Cleave with the fury/arms build in practice.
Fair enough... I can see the logic in Iron Will and why you don't like Last Stand. I'll agree that's more or less all it's ever done. I'm not sure Iron Will is a better use of the points, as honestly, I count it as one of the heap of worthless skills here.
I'm glad to hear the damage output on this build is at least fairly strong. If Iron Will ends up as actually noticable, tell me... I'm really curious.
Men fear death, as children fear to go in the dark; and as that natural fear in children, is increased with tales, so is the other.
"Of Death" Sir Francis Bacon
"Of Death" Sir Francis Bacon