05-25-2005, 02:06 AM
Brista,May 24 2005, 04:14 AM Wrote:I have no idea, it just came up in conversation as we tried to figure out how to manage the last fight. In a sense though max health isn't important because it doesn't do anything for healing efficiency
We had 3 goes at the last fight (mage, hunter, warrior, shaman, rogue). One go with the Warrior tanking which didn't go well, one with the kitty tanking which went a lot better since we had me healing kitty and the shaman healing everyone else, then we worked out a sophisticated plan of switching aggro between cat and warrior which we spectacularly failed to implement
The warrior had 1700 armour (and no shield option!), the kitty 2700
I'm right at that level, and I have to say :( that you've got a Warrior that poor. I'm level 46, and my armor for the last few levels has hovered around 2200 without shield, and 3700 with... and instances means shield goes on. I don't buy gear from the AH, my set is all drops. I hate to say it... but, well, bad Warrior! No healers for you!
As to the pet... 2700 isn't bad, being only slightly lower than the average Shaman offtank, albiet without a shield to block with and a weapon to parry with. These are also important factors... 2700 is going to be better than, say, having the Hunter themselves offtank it, and I know I personally find growl capable of competing with anything I dish out for single target hate. In this regard, a pet would make a great tank/offtank on a single target, as it can't take the damage of multiple targets, but it can certainly keep the hate.
Men fear death, as children fear to go in the dark; and as that natural fear in children, is increased with tales, so is the other.
"Of Death" Sir Francis Bacon
"Of Death" Sir Francis Bacon