05-15-2005, 10:08 AM
ObDisclaimer: Not much of this applies to me as I'm not on any servers with Lurkers (pseudo-)guilds.
I had to look "hortatory" up. Great word.
However, because of this:
I suspect you'll find that people are extremely resilient to having what they do with their play time dictated to them, even if it's just in the form of being gently prodded to do so as per:
See, I think there's a place for most characters in a party. You might equally be doing everyone a favour by levelling a mage or warlock, for example. I've come to love the AoE devastation a mage can inflict, even if it has on occasion required me to stand targeting them with my flash heal button pressed repeatedly.
Money is also very important in WoW (until you get nearer the end of the game). Anything fancy that drops for me in games tends to get offered on the guild channel (either for free or at a lower 'guild rate') before I vendor or auction it. If people have said "keep an eye out for a gun, I need one" then I can do that, but storing up items on the offchance that someone might use them will lead to everyone being poorer, I suspect.
What's Blizzard's position on bank characters?
...but don't you need to have that quest done to even get:
offered to you? I know it didn't appear for me until after I'd completed the elite part of raptor mastery, having done panther and tiger earlier (with the raptor line being the highest level). With the "kill nn monsters" quests, it's much more efficient to have a group of people than can solo/duo the monsters you have to kill; even if you all pile on one mob at a time, that reduces the downtime before you can move onto the next one.
I think "Sorry, I can't help you with that quest, because it's not an efficient use of time" or "because it only gives you money and xp, rather than something that can be banked" would be a sorry state of affairs to reach.
No. Dictating what other people do with their WoW time in any way, to any extent, even if it's leaning on them gently ("what we REALLY could do with is a priest")... well, I can feel my heels digging in ;-) People play for fun, and as such should be free to choose their own method of enjoyment. It's one thing for people who know each other to do this - if I'm playing my druid alt and a guildfriend[1] asks for priestly assistance, then I'll finish what I'm doing and switch - but it's dangerous to create an atmosphere where people feel they can't level their alts. You'll just end up with people's alts not being in the pguild (whether that is better than people's mains not being in the guild is left as an exercise for the reader).
I think you can throw as many healers and tanks as you like at an end-game situation; if you're not co-ordinated, you ARE going to wipe. The solution here is better co-ordination, not delaying the inevitable.
I can see what you're trying to propose, and some of your points I think are excellent - mostly the ones I haven't quoted here ;-) - but I think it comes too close to dictating what people do in the game, even if it's just in a passive-aggresive way - "hey, congratulations on levelling up your mage, but why aren't you farming instances with us with your 60?". Sometimes I just don't want to run instances. Sometimes I don't have the uninterruptible time available. Last night my play time was interrupted twice for upwards of half an hour each time (long enough to be auto-disconnected). I wasn't instance-running (for this reason), so I could find an inn to sit in or even just log in the wild; that would not have been possible had I been coerced into an instance.
JapJaan,May 15 2005, 04:02 AM Wrote:These voluntary principles are of course not rules, rather they are hortatory in nature.
I had to look "hortatory" up. Great word.
However, because of this:
Quote:2. Most people have real life commitments that prevent them from rigid commitments to Wow.
I suspect you'll find that people are extremely resilient to having what they do with their play time dictated to them, even if it's just in the form of being gently prodded to do so as per:
Quote:Similarly, you might be dying to level your hunter or rogue. However, you would be doing everyone a favor by leveling a priest or developing a tank.
See, I think there's a place for most characters in a party. You might equally be doing everyone a favour by levelling a mage or warlock, for example. I've come to love the AoE devastation a mage can inflict, even if it has on occasion required me to stand targeting them with my flash heal button pressed repeatedly.
Quote:Equipment is very important in WoW for some characters and a guild bank can really help if done right.
Money is also very important in WoW (until you get nearer the end of the game). Anything fancy that drops for me in games tends to get offered on the guild channel (either for free or at a lower 'guild rate') before I vendor or auction it. If people have said "keep an eye out for a gun, I need one" then I can do that, but storing up items on the offchance that someone might use them will lead to everyone being poorer, I suspect.
What's Blizzard's position on bank characters?
Quote:2. Targeted questing - We should give priority to helping each other finish certain quests due to the rewards. It is not an efficient use of time to help someone hunt tigers in STV.
...but don't you need to have that quest done to even get:
Quote:the Big Game Hunter quest in STV
offered to you? I know it didn't appear for me until after I'd completed the elite part of raptor mastery, having done panther and tiger earlier (with the raptor line being the highest level). With the "kill nn monsters" quests, it's much more efficient to have a group of people than can solo/duo the monsters you have to kill; even if you all pile on one mob at a time, that reduces the downtime before you can move onto the next one.
I think "Sorry, I can't help you with that quest, because it's not an efficient use of time" or "because it only gives you money and xp, rather than something that can be banked" would be a sorry state of affairs to reach.
Quote:4. Play choices - It might be the case that you would rather play your new alt than your level 60 character, but all of us should start to think of our time more altruistically.
No. Dictating what other people do with their WoW time in any way, to any extent, even if it's leaning on them gently ("what we REALLY could do with is a priest")... well, I can feel my heels digging in ;-) People play for fun, and as such should be free to choose their own method of enjoyment. It's one thing for people who know each other to do this - if I'm playing my druid alt and a guildfriend[1] asks for priestly assistance, then I'll finish what I'm doing and switch - but it's dangerous to create an atmosphere where people feel they can't level their alts. You'll just end up with people's alts not being in the pguild (whether that is better than people's mains not being in the guild is left as an exercise for the reader).
Quote:I think that for larger groups/raids situations, Lurkers can make up for our small size and inability to coordinate by always having healers and tanks available.
I think you can throw as many healers and tanks as you like at an end-game situation; if you're not co-ordinated, you ARE going to wipe. The solution here is better co-ordination, not delaying the inevitable.
I can see what you're trying to propose, and some of your points I think are excellent - mostly the ones I haven't quoted here ;-) - but I think it comes too close to dictating what people do in the game, even if it's just in a passive-aggresive way - "hey, congratulations on levelling up your mage, but why aren't you farming instances with us with your 60?". Sometimes I just don't want to run instances. Sometimes I don't have the uninterruptible time available. Last night my play time was interrupted twice for upwards of half an hour each time (long enough to be auto-disconnected). I wasn't instance-running (for this reason), so I could find an inn to sit in or even just log in the wild; that would not have been possible had I been coerced into an instance.
You don't know what you're talking about.