Do not use Google Web Accelerator
I did a bit of reading. The official FAQ says this:

Quote:2. How do I ask Google Web Accelerator to not accelerate a website?

You can block Google Web Accelerator from speeding up pages from a particular subdomain (for example, or from an entire domain (for example,, including any subdomains it might have, such as,,, etc).

To block a specific domain from being accelerated, enter its name (without a leading http://) in the Don't Accelerate These Sites preference's text area. For example, to block and, just type those names in the text area, each on a separate line, and click the Save Preferences button. You can also block a domain by selecting the Don't accelerate this website toolbar menu item when you visit the website in question.

To block all subdomains at a particular site, just enter a "." followed by the common part of the domain name. For example, to block all subdomains at, just enter "" on a separate line and click the Save Preferences button.

When your browser shows a blocked site, you'll see:

    * The toolbar menu item Don't accelerate this website has a checkmark next to it.
    * The browser speedometer icon is grayed out:

To unblock a domain, you can delete its entry from the Don't Accelerate These Sites text box and click the Save Preferences button, or uncheck the Don't accelerate this website toolbar menu item.

Granted its somewhat of a pain, but as some one who checks every cookie before accepting, it won't be too much of a hassle to type in a few key websites (such as forums, email, eBay/Paypal, etc). All in all, not so bad.



Edit: On a sidenote, I decided to try it (I wasn't using it prior to this post). After installing it decided to make Firefox crash on every load (I am running the newest official release). Not a big deal, I had to uninstall accelerator, and reinstall firefox, taking all of 3 minutes to complete. Just thought I'd share the (minor) problem.

Messages In This Thread
Do not use Google Web Accelerator - by DeeBye - 05-07-2005, 02:43 AM
Do not use Google Web Accelerator - by Encore - 05-07-2005, 04:01 AM
Do not use Google Web Accelerator - by DeeBye - 05-07-2005, 04:23 AM
Do not use Google Web Accelerator - by Encore - 05-07-2005, 05:41 AM
Do not use Google Web Accelerator - by DeeBye - 05-07-2005, 06:26 AM
Do not use Google Web Accelerator - by jahcs - 05-07-2005, 06:28 PM
Do not use Google Web Accelerator - by Dozer - 05-07-2005, 09:00 PM
Do not use Google Web Accelerator - by Munkay - 05-07-2005, 09:23 PM

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