Quote: What do you think, are MMOs a thing to behold or a waste of time and money?
I actually like the idea of playing some MMOs, such as WoW, but I think I'll never do it. I have so many games I want to play, so many books I want to read, ect, that I can't even keep up with my backlog as it is. There are even still some things in D2 I want to try out, but I haven't found the time lately.
If I start in on a MMO, I know all the other things may fall to the wayside. The money isn't really an issue to me, but I do sometimes think of the fact that I can buy 1 used console or PC game(I play rpg and strat games, and I wait till they are cheap before buying) on ebay for ~$10 and spend usually around 100 hours playing it before I tire of it. And, if I do tire of it, I have it on my shelf next year if I feel like picking it up again.
To me, MMOs are not worth it considering that I can find plenty of things that I enjoy just as much, while not paying a monthly fee. And yes, I have played several MMOs, but usually only until my friends stopped playing them.
EDIT: Preview should be my friend, unfortunately I don't spend enough time with her :(