Showing ID & signing in to buy OTC cold medicines?
Occhidiangela,Apr 17 2005, 10:14 PM Wrote:Yes indeed, and one of my best friends from High School died of a heroin overdose at Haverford College.  (Brain foggy as to which year late 1970's, trying to fit it into the other events and revelations of the summers I was home.)  Another freaked out at UVA, rumor was too much acid, and tried to hang himself.  Luckily, he fuxored that up and is still with us today, older and wiser.

Buddy of mine from the HS soccer team ran his dad's Porsche into a tree, stoned, and died.  And so on.

It matters not the substance, you can take the brain out for a walk that it may not come home from, which leaves the body and soul without a cruise director.  And most of life is shoal water.


As to Timothy Leary, he's dead.  Or, maybe he's just outside, looking, in.  :D

On the subject of Timothy Leary, from Hunter S. Thompson.

"We are all wired into a survival trip now. No more of the speed that fueled that 60's. That was the fatal flaw in Tim Leary's trip. He crashed around America selling "consciousness expansion" without ever giving a thought to the grim meat-hook realities that were lying in wait for all the people who took him seriously... All those pathetically eager acid freaks who thought they could buy Peace and Understanding for three bucks a hit. But their loss and failure is ours too. What Leary took down with him was the central illusion of a whole life-style that he helped create... a generation of permanent cripples, failed seekers, who never understood the essential old-mystic fallacy of the Acid Culture: the desperate assumption that somebody... or at least some force - is tending the light at the end of the tunnel."

Like flies into a bug zapper, they came into that light. Those of strong mind survived. Somehow. I took I think a whole blotter of high powered non diluted LSD the time I mysteriously found my self in San Jose. Or maybe it's not having a strong mind. Maybe those with the strong mind, unflexable, unyielding, broke and fell into what ever lies beyond. And the weak minded only grew weaker, their mind broken down by manufactured illusions and the bitter reality that usually follows as the dream becomes a nightmare, which spills into the waking world. I don't know how I came through as intact as I did. Perhaps it is because I was already quite insane and just didn't know it, and the acid allowed me to come to grips with it, embrace it, and make it my own choice of how I viewed reality. I know I am odd. I always have been. I also know after a couple of those trips, how I viewed the world, viewed people, viewed time and space was, well, altered. Different somehow. Not broken, just different. I got lucky. I intentionally pushed to the outer limits and I lived to tell the tale. I will confess to my lunacy. Everybody who knows me best here, like Occhi and Shadow, Lord knows how they put up with me, could probably confirm that I am a bit... Strange.
All alone, or in twos,
The ones who really love you
Walk up and down outside the wall.
Some hand in hand
And some gathered together in bands.
The bleeding hearts and artists
Make their stand.

And when they've given you their all
Some stagger and fall, after all it's not easy
Banging your heart against some mad buggers wall.

"Isn't this where...."

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Showing ID & signing in to buy OTC cold medicines? - by Doc - 04-18-2005, 03:57 AM

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