Scoop! Leaked notes at least partially accurate!
Skandranon,Apr 11 2005, 10:34 PM Wrote:And the current time is for significant problems.

Time? These problems have existed since beta. They've gone ignored.

These 'gripes' aren't just that. They're killer on a PvP server. Disppeared pet? Take forever to summon? Someone attack you on road? You're SoL. What can a hunter do if the pet isn't dead, but lost due to pathfinding/feared out of range. Whistle, and poof. Its back. What does a warlock do? Fight an uphill battle, try to run with weak snares and no instant escape skills, and a 1.5 easily interruptable fear cast that is made a mockery of by trinkets, racial abilities, fear ward, shadow resistence, beserk stance, and more . I might as well wear "Kick me, I've fallen and I can't get up" as my tabard.

I don't think blizzard will ever take out the debuff limit. It is their way of keeping enemies artificially difficult, and keep bandwidth down. . . Hence, WL's are pushed out of being the debuff class in group PvE.

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Scoop! Leaked notes at least partially accurate! - by Drasca - 04-12-2005, 05:52 AM

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